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Crosslink updates

Discussion in 'PriusChat Website Questions' started by hobbit, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    So, after all my griping about the thread numbers changing after
    the vBulletin upgrade, I've been digging in and trying to update
    my webpages to point to the correct new numbers. Between
    Priuschat itself and my external stuff I've got over a dozen links
    that needed to be fixed, and I'm still wading through it. In case
    anyone else is interested in following up and re-establishing
    correct linking, here's how I've been going at it.
    First, you need the old thread number, which you probably have
    already from the broken link. It will likely be part of a URL that
    looks like ...priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=NNNNN
    Danny has kindly pointed me at a useful archive facility in which
    all of the old database is intact, but readonly and sans pictures.
    If you access priuschat.com/old_ipb/index.php?showtopic=NNNNN,
    there is the old thread. From that you can look and determine
    the author, the board section it was in, and the post date.
    Example: to find Galaxee's "engine reseal" post, you can use
    http://priuschat.com/old_ipb/index.php?showtopic=30906 where
    30906 is the thread containing the original post and all the
    followup. [Danny has also fixed things so that non-logged-in
    visitors can download the Priuschat-hosted pictures, which is
    very useful to keep us as a Great Internet Resource.]
    Armed with the author, topic title, and section, you can either
    grope around in the new archive tree, accessible via
    http://priuschat.com/forums/archive/ ... or start a search on
    the poster's username and one or two keywords from the title.
    Title-only search is fairly fast and doesn't burden the board
    too much, even if it's going way back. With a little looking
    around it's pretty fast to find the new home of the old post,
    which in the case of our example is the longish URL [somewhat
    shortened for readability, but note carefully where it points]:
    and if you follow the link you see the same thread [*with* pix!].
    Now, an interesting thing about the new vBulletin. If all you
    have is a thread number, you don't need to specify an exact forum
    section or subject-based title. URL request parsing apparently
    only looks for some placeholders and then sniffs the number out
    of it and that's all it cares about when accessing the database.
    Thus, the above long cumbersome link can be reduced to
    http://priuschat.com/forums/x/29957-x.html and still work.
    The required elements seem to be the directory /forums/, some
    arbitrary placeholder as the next level down (/x/), and the
    thread number followed by another arbitrary string (-x) and .HTML.
    That's it. You can drop the short form of the link into another
    post or page, and Priuschat will issue a redirect to the "correct"
    page once access is attempted. Most other vB based forum sites
    work the same way, so you might find this helpful elsewhere too.
    The new numbers are always slightly lower than the old ones, and
    the disparity gap widens somewhat with the recent-ness of the
    thread. Noting the new thread numbers while you're cruising the
    new archive tree and comparing to the old one helps narrow down
    which page of archives you want fairly quickly. Perhaps some day
    someone will be enterprising enough to figure out exactly which
    threads were lost in our second annual Great Database Fire.
    So if you have old posts that cross-link each other, or external
    pages that reference specific Priuschat material from the past,
    it's not that hard to edit and update them to point to the correct
    new places. I would encourage everyone to search for stuff you
    authored, and the string "showtopic", which should quickly ferret
    out any crosslinks you embedded in the past.
  2. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    hobbit - thanks for that tutorial. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get the auto-redirect to work again yet.
  3. JimboK

    JimboK One owner, low mileage

    May 1, 2006
    Chesterfield, VA
    2005 Prius
    And thank you for ferreting out the process. When I have some time in the next few days, I'll sit down and work on mine. Like you've said repeatedly, the links are too valuable a resource for them not to work.
  4. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Oh, I should mention that Google and probably the other spiders
    have picked up a good number of the new links, so if you vaguely
    remember a topic and a keyword or two that may help in finding
    some old stuff as well if PC's built-in search engine isn't
    versatile enough. [and for multiple keywords, so far it
    isn't -- I haven't found any valid "phrase" syntax to plunk
    into it yet].
  5. PriOkkie

    PriOkkie Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    The Netherlands
    2006 Prius
    Wow! I just spent an hour figuring out if I'm the only one that notices many internal links died. Could PC make this topic sticky or create a FAQ entry on the many many dead links in the archives?

    I'm new to this forum, so I don't know much of it's history. But I do know I can find a lot of very useful information in the archives. Unforunately, everytime some thread refers to another thread in the old 'index.php?showtopic=NNNN' style, I end up at the main page. Very annoying... Could there be at least an error handler to explain to a newbie like me, what's going on?

    Now, I'm not really a newbie on the 'net, but even after searching the FAQ and this subforum, I found nothing obvious, not even when clicking through all 5 pages. I must have missed the fact that the solution to my problem was under "Crosslink updates". Stupid me.

    Would it be possible to add an handler to index.php that recognizes the 'showtopic=' parameter and does something useful to it, like redirecting to the archive with a banner indicating such?

    Meanwhile, I'll try to find that course on anger management again. I seem to need it! ;-)

    Keep up the good work, guys!

    Edit: I just found the archive is 404... AAARGHHH!! Hummmm... Goose-frabaaahhh ... mm... Okay.
  6. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    It's not ideal, but you can Google those old threads and get to them that way.
