At work, whenever we have to drive somewhere, my boss says "lets take Bill's Prius". Since I get paid mileage, I actually make money on the trip.
That was posted in September 2004. Reality check time! Just how ugly *do* they think their cars are now?
Yeah, I work in Houston, in an environment with many people who've drunk the hummer myth cool-aid. I basically just let them say their piece. Most of them want to tell me how either: Al Gore is an idiot The prius has hidden environmental costs They hate hippies I usually let them say their piece then replay with. That shuts them up pretty damn quick. Say what you like, no-one can refute that the Prius has the best fuel efficiency of any vehicle that can hold car seats. Heck I even do better than most peoples motorcycles. Just like the Chewbacca defense, it is unbeatable. Call this the Woolsey defense. Most any argument for buying a prius out there has some lunatic with a (flimsy) counter point against it. Not many people can successfully counter the claim that using oil is paid for (on some scale) with blood. It's just a question of how much or little they are willing to spill. 11011011
My good friend saw my Prius today making similar comments as mentioned by other haters above, especially like it was small and had NO room. (He drives a '07 Mercedes ML suv), so in my Prius, I laid the rear and front passanger seat down and showed him that I could easily transport a dozen 8-foot long 2x4's. He immedately proceeded to mimic the same with his seats in his mercedes but his rear seat folded FORWARD (flipping vertial) blocking his front passanger seat from laying back so prohibiting 2x4's longer than 5-feet or so from being transported in his large SUV... he was sick. I laughed and laughed! Coincidently, I just traded my '05 Mercedes ML into Toyota for this Prius (plus a few grand to boot).
Re: Prius Haters:my responses (in decending order of civility) "It's ugly" 1-"Yep.Back end was stolen from the Aztec." 2."So are Glocks & AK's & they work like champs too." "You a tree-hugger?" 1."Not really:the numbers crunched when I bought it." 2."Yep:at my age you take what you can get." "Don't you know the (fill in blank) is just as cheap to run after you figure in (fill in second blank)?" 1."I've seen conflicting figures." 2."Don't know & don't care." Ultimate answer:"40-45 MPG."
I was parked downtown in Chicago for 15 mins and somebody had spit on my car. How childish is that? It really erks me that somebody would do something like that. I wish I saw him do it and I would have chunked my cup of hot coffee at him.
I haven't gotten many negative comments so far but lots of "cool" "how much mpg? wow". On the hiway is different though. SUV's and fast cars trying to push me off the lanes aggresively even if I am matching speed. It's like they are trying to punish me for making them jealous. They are angry about gas prices so drive angry and blame me instead of the real source. I drive very defensively now. and usually in the extreme right lane. I did have a bit of fun at a stop light though. An suv with a kid driving was laughing at me and revving up his engine. At the green light I punched my car and that elec motor torque leaped the little car off the line 100 feet before he even caught me. He then roared past me and a half block later He was stopped by a cop and I as smiling! fun!
Ha ha! Great story. I have a great mental image now of the little Prius zipping away from the stop sign leaving the hulking SUV in its (very clean) wake. I haven't gotten too many comments on mine yet. I have a couple of friends who still think I'm nuts for giving up my truck, but I haven't gotten them in the car yet. I think they are just mad that they won't have their free truck around anymore.
Holly Cow! Welcome aboard brother! As Rush says "Welcome... to the safe... other side". Man with they really must have turned up the foscets at the Prius factory. I still remember how thrilled I was that the dealer I bought from actually had one ON-THE-LOT. Most didn't and were really gouging customers. Glad you got it and think your gonna love it. 11011011
This is Funny Couple of months ago, a site Prius-bashing site was created. Only 35 total members - no posts in the past couple of weeks. Today I lurked and got this:
The Japanese companies brought in a guy (American) named Demming and he is the father of Japanese quality. He tried to do the same in this country and they ran him out laughing all the way. Who's laughing now?
Some people say the Prius is ugly but I'll tell you, if it got 75mpg, I wouldn't care if it looked like George W. Bush, I'd still drive it. ~Buttster