I love the stereo system in my car. I had a long drive home tonight and found some ultra fine music that sounds sooo good in it. I heard the music I reference below trolling for music online (amazon lets you sample s few songs on most CDs they sell) and snatched it up a few months ago. Well, it has never sounded as good as it does in my new Prius. This made me wonder - what are your favorite driving tunes? Any music lovers want to share? Here's mine: CD: Hello Waveforms Artist: William Orbit The whole album is superb, but I particularlly love #5, "Spiral." Sounds good turned up comfortably loud with the base intact. It is an amazing song that sounds exquisite through those eight speakers. Great car music...
Not Another Teen Movie soundtrack And when people give me crap about the Prius Eazy E Boyz In The Hood They usually think quite impressively of it after listening. Ozzy No More Tears CD sounds quite good also.
Lately my favorite while driving is an album of piano rags recorded from old piano rolls. Piano rolls are the only way we have today to hear scratch-free and distortion-free performances from the era of acoustic recordings, before electronic microphones. This is a digitally-recorded album, and therefore as sharp and clear and free of noise as any modern recording, yet the music was recorded by some of the greats of a bygone age. Since my 2004 Prius lacks an iPod plug, and I purchased the album as a download, I cannot listen to it through the Prius stereo. But my Xebra does have an AUX input, so I can listen to it there. In the Prius I use the earbuds. I know that's illegal, but in fact, the clarity of the earbuds allows me to listen at a lower volume than the stereo, and I can hear outside sounds better while listening through the earbuds than I can with the stereo on.
Anything very heavy, busy and loud. Have you heard DragonForce? Incredible guitar!!! Also Kiss, Kate Bush, Jewel, ACDC, Evanesence, etc.
I think I confuse the hell out of people when they hear a white boy drive by with my highlights, goatee, sunglasses, and high-powered system pumping latin jams! Hahaha The usual playlist: [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9077420022688379106&q=torre+de+babel&total=795&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=7"]David Bisbal feat. Wisin Y Yandel - Torre de Babel[/ame] [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7617103536368193910&q=eros+ramazzotti+ricky+martin&total=170&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0"]Eros Ramazzotti feat. Ricky Martin - No Estamos Solos[/ame] [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7514671420988972110"]Ilegales - Te Necesito[/ame] [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1518330179213333493&q=chayanne+no+te&total=140&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=6"]Chayanne - No Te Preocupes Por Me[/ame] [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=559397213408571520&q=alejandro+sanz&total=6152&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1"]Alejandro Sanz - No Es Lo Mismo[/ame] and I don't care what anyone thinks, I'll play this video in my car for obvious reasons! Shakira - Las De La Intuicion Driving a Prius and listening to this stuff it's a wonder I have a healthy dating life.
My favourite is usually what I have loaded in the CD changer. Currently: Los Lobos => Fur Patrol => Jefferson Airplane => Grateful Dead => Van Morrison I'm fickle, next week I'll have different favourites.
My all-time favorite "driving" songs are (in no particular order) Born to Run Running on Empty Rosalita American Girl. Bonus points if you hear them by chance on the radio from first note to last.
The site created large links in my prior post and now it won't let me edit to take them out. Just sits there "saving the edit" for 10 minutes before I give up. Grrr
I like various trance and club mixes when driving. Also - as previously mentioned - Jewel and Evanesence. Taiko drumming (if you've got a decent recording of it) is also fun. A seasonal favorite is the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack.
SHAKIRA FTW! For driving around, I'm currently spinning Manu Chau andhttp://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B00004KD4J?tag=priuschatcom-20'll also slip in a littlehttp://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B0000028RR?tag=priuschatcom-20 depending on how stressed I am. And back in the day, Tom Petty's Full Moon Fever got me through a lot of miles.
My favourites span about 40 years, so there's quite a range of musical styles. My kids and I have influenced each other with our tastes. They love The Beatles and early Neil Young, while I've picked up on stuff like Coldplay and Moby. I've made a few cds for the car with a smattering of everything: Bob Marley, Cat Stevens, Tragically Hip, John Lennon, David Bowie, REM, Outkast, Dire Straits, Bif Naked....
What am I missing with Coldplay? I saw them on Austin City Limits (PBS) and thought this is soooo bad. I of course love the Beatles, and Neil Young (old and newer), and enjoy Cat Stevens sometimes and DS's Sultans of Swing is about the greatest song ever. But I dislike Marley, am unimpressed with the Hip and like only a few Bowie tunes. Weird how with some people (you and me) with fairly eclectic tastes, how things don't cross over completely. I like Sam Cooke a great deal so I guess I'm more stuck in the early sixties than most people.
My current favorite: John Barleycorn - Traffic. My overall favorite for the past 18 months: All the Road Running - Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris. Past favorites: Bruce Springsteen, Richard Thompson, and different CD mixes I've made of individual songs I've liked. * * * * * * * COMMENTS ON OTHERS' FAVES: Pat Sparks - Yea, Kate Bush! F8L - Shakira??? -- "Lucky that my breasts are small and humble, so you don't confuse them with mountains" -- what a poet LOL!!! Kidding aside, I do like her music. Aunt Bee - Yes, listening to a favorite song playing on the car radio is so much better than listening to it on the car CD ... it's a shared experience ... something special about listening to it while knowing that thousands of others are listening to it at the same time.
I know I know. She isn't a lyrical master but I love her voice and umm well yeah. I'm going to check out the first song you listed when I get home.
Yep. Next time that happens, try doing a Go Advanced edit instead. It seems to time out less than standard Edits.
I like the whole John Barleycorn album as a car playing CD. Great long, mostly jazz flavored cuts. Makes for a great flowing 40 minutes in the car.
Love the Beatles SO much... Really like Coldplay. Mellow, but very nice. I like "Golden Years" by Bowie and "Old Man" by Neil Young.