Why is it that when you buy a technologically superior vehicle that coincidentally gets great gas mileage, you immediately are assumed to be a liberal? :cussing: I'm an independent that traditionally leans to the right more then I lean to the left. I didn't buy the car to save the Amazon rain forrest, or to make up for slavery that happened waaaaaaaaaaay before I was born (were any of you or your parents personally involved in slavery?, if not, get over it...) I bought the car for three reasons, great gas mileage ( one tank of gas a week now instead of two...I like saving my hard earned dollars ), get to use the HOV lanes (cuts 30 to 45 minutes off of the commute), and all the whistles and bells this baby has...I love electronics and having the latest and greatest technology. What does that make me? A liberal?? Hardly....a geek? Maybe...or a person that sees a great value and the opportunity to take advantage of a faster commute, a tax break and all sorts of high tech...definitely!!! I love my Prius, but it has nothing to do with what my political leanings are....Just my $0.02 again. :guns:
"Ugly is only skin deep", as the 60's VW ads used to say. My 16 year old son thinks it's the coolest car on the planet. I think your friends are suffering from Prius envy. When gas hits 3 bucks a gallon, and it will soon enough, ask them how ugly their cars are.
Working for a car rental company, I had the chance to drive a Prius (driven a few times now). After driving a Prius, I was wowed by it. It made me want to buy one (I will buy one once I have a higher paying job). One of my coworkers assumed I was a tree hugger because I like the Prius. That is so far from the truth. I like the Prius because of how high tech and roomy it is. I'm planning to get the Prius with all the bells and whistles. When I have doubts about whether I should get the Prius, I drive it and I just want one.
I am guilty of being an environmentalist and proud of it. The high tech features of the car are a great bonus.
Prius Haters: They ARE real. But they're funny too [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=3BoJE-wNZ4g&feature=related]YouTube - prius pussies[/ame]
Hey, read the comments directly off youtube . . . they are a hoot !! My favorite one, slightly edited went something like, "sexy chick, but flat chested"
Maybe it's me ....I don't really care what other people think about my car First, full disclosure, I do not yet own a Prius, but will soon. I am however quite public with my desire for this HIGH PERFORMANCE vehicle. Most of my peers are torn between the A6 and the 5 Series. Maybe someone will pop-off when I roll up in my new rig.. It will have both a McCain and NPR sticker on the bumper.... that should confuse them .... Dan in Dallas...
I swear someone has it out for my Prius because it keeps getting bashed in the parking lot (one particularly nasty dent definitely inflicted by an SUV), with the basher never leaving their information, of course... Could this be Prius hatred, or just that the gen I prius's bodywork is built out of tracing paper and damages easily?
I had to end my conversation with this clown when a far more interesting conversationist became available.
Hi patsparks! That was some funny you-tube crap. The comments were outstanding. I am still cracking up. :argue:
Well, There's no credit given for being stupid, ignorant, or rude. Pay no attention to them & each time you fill your Prius tell them how low your gas bill was that week. They may not say much, but some of them will probably be eating their hearts out while their bank balances are dropping. Do any of them drive SUV's? How about huge pick up trucks with Hemi engines? I look @ having Prius's like this: Every week I have about $25-$30 more for what I want to buy instead of giving my hard earned dollars to the oil cos. & Arabs. A while ago I wanted to see how fast my Prius would go. I went to a long straight road in the middle of nowhere and pushed the Prius to about 105 MPG. It would have gone a little faster, but I was satisfied so I got off the gas. I've also surprised many drivers by leaving them in the dust when a red light turned green. I'm not a hot rod driver, but I have owned quite a few 4 cyl. cars and none of them had nearly as much acceleration as the Prius. If you floor your Prius from a dead stop you'll be pleasantly surprised how quick it gets up to highway speeds. I should take it to the drag strip & find out what time & MPH it does in the 1/4 mile. The drag strip is only 20 minutes from here. You're going to love the Prius. My wife & I are buying our 2nd 2008 Prius in a week or two.
Depending on state of charge and density altitude it should go mid 17 to high 17 in the 1/4 at about 80mph.
Get the car and then take 'em for a ride. The attitudes will change. Everyone will be like, WOW...I didn't realize what the car was all about...how cool...Gotta have one. Great efforts have been made to spead mis-information and detract from the the Prius. It scares the crap out of Detroit. And I'm suprised how effective that misinformation has been with some people's conceptions of the Prius. So, they just dispell it, without giving it a chance. The car is for real and you're smart for choosing it. DON't worry about what others think. My lovely wife even gave me a little grief in the beginning. Now she is a believer too. The nay-sayer guys I work with even acknowlege they were all wrong about the Prius too. Young and old alike. I'
Just happened to see the news today of the highway shootings in Virginia. Looks like one of the vehicles hit was a prius. The shooter was identified by his car that was caught on video surveillance.....an AMC Gremlin, now what was he thinking driving that classic vehicle that no one could recognize? You know he was pissed cause his gas mileage sucks! JK! I wonder if he has long hair too! :yell: