Good day to you all, I joined today and have been browsing the site most of the day, having got a few days leave from work. On a previous thread I mentioned I am expecting my Prius in about 3 weeks and really can't wait for it to be delivered. It's colour is Lagoon Blue, which was only available in UK from Jan 08, so there are not many around. However, I did take a pic of a T3 in the dealer showroom which I will put on here when I've reduced its size... really nice color but looks even better in the flesh.
Nice looking Prius there! The pic worked, but it was a little too small for me. Why is it taking 3 weeks for your Prius to be delivered
Thanks, my wife thought so too, well she really had the final say, but I would also have chosen the colour. It's taking 3 weeks because I specced it with leather seats and its not a dealer stock item, but Toyota production schedule is 2 to 3 weeks so I would expect to see it within a week of leaving the factory. I'll have another try with the pic sometime, it is a bit small.
Hello and welcome to PriusChat! 3 weeks is pretty quick! I had to wait for a month and 10 days for a factory order back in 2004. Your colour is what we call Spectra Blue Mica.
Thanks Tideland, mine might also be that long as no-one signed in blood here that it would be 3 weeks....hope not though. I saw that color on US charts but I couldn't really tell if it was the same blue, however, it looks about the same. At the moment I think I'd take a bright pink one just so I can get inside it and drive....
Thanks for all the kind posts and I sure am a happy chappy to own one of these fine cars now. Hope to contribute to this forum too with my experiences and thoughts. Funny you should mention gas prices NorCal Rusty, I am just working on a fuel consumption Excel sheet for myself and while I was at it, I thought it would be a good idea to share a "common" modifiable version of it so that folks in the US, UK, Antipodes (Oz and NZ) and Europe could just change a couple of conversion factors and then it is as good as localised. I've found a few reputable conversion sites and while on them I see the conversion between a US gallon and an Imperial gallon is 1.20095, so that 1 Imperial gall = 1.20 US Gallons. I just filled up this morning and our fuel is sold in litres (even though everyone over here insists that mpg is a good measure, yet fuel isn't bought in gallons). I paid £1.069 per litre. The other conversion factor is Litres per US gallon, which is 3.785412, so the cost of petrol per US Gallon is £4.047.... now skipping over to site for exchange rates, todays rate is $2.02122 as at the time of this reply, which now finally makes the cost of petrol over here as near as dammit $8.18 per US gallon !! All I can say is I'm glad I bought a Prius at these rates. Can anyone tell me how you buy petrol in your country (US and others pls) ? Is it widely sold in gallons or litres ? Once I know this I can build it into my model. Thanks in advance. Dave
Wow, that is some expensive gas! I only buy gas in cost/gallon! Thanks for the info. Makes us folks here in the US feel a little better for paying $3.56/gallon! Rusty
You must have got in at the right time PriusUK2008- I was going to order a Lagoon Blue model just under 2 weeks ago and the lead time was up to 3 months! As part of the price negotiations and to speed up delivery I moved to a Decuma Grey model which should be arriving next week.
Hi Vaughan ! Welcome to Prius chat too. I must say the lead time promised by the dealer was in fact spot on. While I was ordering it, they showed me the UK delivery schedules for all colours and mine was 2-3 weeks and it was true. Maybe the ship was only 2 weeks away ?? The most difficult colour to get was the Verbier Green which had a lead time of 8-9 weeks (not popular either I think). Your colour, Decuma Grey is really nice too and if I could not have got the Lagoon Blue for 3 months I would have done exactly what you did and ordered this colour. I've been like an expectant mother this last 3 weeks waiting for it to arrive, but now its finally here its a great relief. It was driving my wife nuts Googling for Prius every night and reporting back to her in detail what I had found out..... think I'll still do this but maybe not as often though.... enjoy your car when it arrives and post a pic on this site too.
Hi Priusuk2008, nice colour Prius, I never seen that colour. In Australia and NZ we buy litres of petrol and drive kilometres. We measure fuel consumption in litres per 100 kilometres (L/100km)
Gallons in the U.S. I used to see one station that sold it by the liter but that didn't last long and I think it was to confuse customers who didn't know how to convert and they charged a higher price. Priusuk2008, did you give much thought to a diesel? Just curious because of pro/con discussions over Prius and euro diesels. Great looking car!
Love the blue color! It's funny how they change the names of the colors in different countries. I would love to know the marketing rationale behind that. I really like that blue but I could not find any in that color here so I am going with red. Wow....I agree, $8.18 us$/gal is unbelievable. And we are all whining here already with gas at $3.15, going to $4 this summer supposedly.
Except the Brits pay for things like their universal healthcare with the gas taxes. We all get taxed -- it is just a matter of where the taxes come from. Each state in the U.S. is a little different. For example, Florida has no state income tax but they get the money from other sources.