This could be one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time. Do these environmental guys even understand how many "ferry" flights take place every day by various airlines? For non-airline people a ferry flight is the plane traveling empty somewhere to pick up passengers and/or cargo. Believe me when I tell you the airline would have preferred to cancel the flight rather than fly it! If they did cancel it, you'd have another crop of passengers in the media complaining about how the airline screwed them. Plane flies five passengers from US to London - Telegraph
gee at first i thought it was the often flying environmentalist al gore. but no it could not have been him because it was a commercial plane not a private jet.
Five pax on a plane that holds 245. Now, that is a non-rev's dream. :dance: On a serious note, though, this is what AA's spokesman had to say, as quoted in the same article:
When a Truck has to make a run back empty because there's nothing going that direction, it's called "Dead Heading". Its something everyone tries hard to avoid, but it's not always possible. Same with Rental Car and Truck Companies and One Way Rentals, they have to get cars and trucks back to wherever people are escaping from somehow I wonder if they monitor FEDEX and UPS planes, or monitor freighters running the US-CHINA route to see if they are always full each way. Looks to me like they were going for the 'scare' headline. But, I think they missed the best meme. We all know that one instance proves the rule for newspapers right? So, it's obvious - MASS EXODUS FROM LONDON TO US - PEOPLE FLEEING IN DROVES - CAUSE UNKNOWN - EXPERTS PROJECT LONDON WILL BE EMPTY IN THREE WEEKS
No way!! There's simply too much good football this season for people to possibly think about fleeing.