This is tres cool! I had not seen it before and it's fun to put faces with names. Due to obesity, I have not appeared in a photograph that I can recall since around 2001. I have now lost 88 pounds, and I am officially NOT OVERWEIGHT according to my body mass index! However, I'm so close to the edge that an apple would probably put me back over the edge! Also, I am basically clueless about how to post pictures. I do have a digital camera I got when I got rid of a lot of stuff on eBay several years ago, but I'm not even sure where it is! I am expecting to get it figured out sometime in the next couple of months so I can have a blog about my training and fundraising progress for the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk (60 miles!!!!) in early October. More about that in another post! Peace -- Marjorie.
Hi Marjorie, For a while there (at least since the time I joined in Feb 07 until the new forum software was installed in late 07), posting pictures to this site was as easy as boiling water --- all it took was 3 or 4 clicks to post pictures of most any size and resolution directly from your computer. Now, under the new software, it's a little trickier. You might have to first resize your pictures, or post them to a photo website like flickr and then upload them here. The problem for me has been finding clear instructions on how to do that. So far, I think the following thread provides the best instructions (if anyone knows of better how-to instructions, please advise!!): Good luck.
Let's see if I can do this right...... Camping at the Ocean, and getting ready for a bike ride. Be Nice!!!!!!!!!
On waterfall way near Dorego in New South Wales. By patsparks at 2007-06-30 and at work By patsparks at 2007-01-25
Really? He looks like he could kick my butt, I was thinking of somebody more nerdy in appearance, based on the occasionally weird humor.
Marjarie, I used to feel the same way about my own pictures, but since discovering digital photgraphy, my dieting has been much more successful. Me before successful dieting: <IMG style="MAX-WIDTH: 800px; ; WIDTH: expression(this.width > 800 ? 800: true)" alt="" src="" border=0> Me after successful dieting: <IMG style="MAX-WIDTH: 800px; ; WIDTH: expression(this.width > 800 ? 800: true)" alt="" src="" border=0>
I agree. I now regret insulting Pat in one of those insults threads. Pat - If you're there, I take back whatever I said.
Ah you can make the camera tell big fat pork pies then. I'm a softy everyone, threaten me and I run like a big girl. BTW, I should point out I don't carry a gun for work, never fired a gun in my life. I have never found myself wishing I had a gun either for some reason. I should try the Larry weight loss method, I could use to lose a few kilos. Boo, I already forgave you. It was most likely true anyway.
This is me (Susan) somewhere on a cruise en route to the Panama Canal. Just a TAD windy that evening! <---------THAT is the REAL Rufaro.
Sam, you're a lady-type person! And an attractive lady-type person at that. I had (wrongly) assumed from your name that you were a man-type person. I have a nephew named Sam.
Thanks, Daniel. Yah, I'm a lady. Sam(antha). I've answered to Sam since high school, sooooooooo many years ago.