Hi to all, I just picked up my 2008 Black Prius option #3 last Friday night. It's interesting to see and hear everybody's reactions to the car. The Toyota car hiker couldn't believe I was getting rid of a 2004 Acura TL for it. Two of my brothers-in-law asked if I was going to park it with the golf carts at the golf course. My 21 year old daughter is mortified that I bought it. My wife wants to know why there is no sun-roof and no heated seats. I didn't realize I needed a support group just to drive it. I keep telling myself that I got 49.8 miles per gallon driving the 23 miles home from the dealership. I do beleive thats step 1 in the 12 step Prius anonymous program. So, anyway, my name is John and I own a Prius.
John welcome to Priuschat and most important.... Thank You for Sharing!!... yes it is strange after all this time, there are still people out there that feel that a Prius is a compromise of one's driving experience. but that only makes it all that much more satisfying as one family member after another becomes a convert like you!!
my name is Pat and I am a Priusoholic. Welcome to the club John. Over time, after people ride in your Prius and see the gadgets they will see the error of their ways.
Hi John! I understand what you are going through. I am picking up my Barcelona Red Package 6 on Saturday and my friends are all asking why. I am getting rid of a M-B SLK 320 and had been looking at the likes of a Cadillac CTS or BMW 5 series. Ultimately my wife and I deceided that all we did was drive back and forth to work and what did I need to spend $50,000 + on a car for now. We decided that the Prius represented new thinking and we made the jump. Good look to you.
Just say "yeah, I'm crying all the way to the gas station...oh wait, I don't need to go to the gas station..." So why was your daughter mortified? It's not like you spent her college fund on a Maserati.
Sold my premium fuel eating 2007 BMW 328xi to replace it with my Prius. I've never looked back. (My daughter is thrilled that we've gone green and my wife is thrilled that I stopped trying to be a big shot." And, since I commute in excess of 140 miles round trip, the gas savings, not to mention the car payment, are H-U-G-E!) Welcome
This is an easy one. To each reply the same thing. Man, gas prices suck. I though I was going to save 75% on what I used to pay for gas. Now I am only saving 50% on what I used to pay for gas. Life's a b____? They will change the subject.
Better yet, consider the Prius our little secret. Most of the comments you get from people is because of their ego, not because they know anything about the car at all. Gas hit $108/barrel today, so it wont be long before they all start singing a different tune. Ever wonder why Prius drivers are always smiling behind the wheel?
Hello, my name is Jack and I also own a Prius. Do I smoke a cigarette now? Your family will be assimilated into the Prius collective and they will enjoy it. My two daughters get to ride in the Prius as a treat. If they misbehave we take the minvan...
Yep, I have one too. I know why we're all smiling. We're having FUN. Really isn't it the most fun you've had in a while? Maybe it's the instant feedback on your driving habits... Maybe we're all changing our priorities and what's important to us. Also some people are finally learning that their car maybe just a way to get somewhere, not a extension of their identity. Or maybe that's just the Prius identity--a cool, efficient way to get from here to there! There has to be a reason why so many people are getting them--most people have had to wait and you don't really see any rebates or encentives to buy one--it looks like they are selling them as fast as Toyota is making them. (yeah, I know it's probably the HV battery shortage) Welcome to the club--there's a lotta love here! Prius Prime--Donna
That's funny you got the "park it by the golf carts" remark. My ex was driving mine around the block, just to check it out. Like everyone else, he was impressed with the roominess and with the gadgets. Being of that golf cart perception, he very smugly said, "Well, this is all well and good, but what about this?" He then hit the gas (obviously not expecting much to happen). The car shot forward, on command. That shut him right up. Honestly, however, that is the only thing close to negativity I've gotten. Most people I've come across ask me a lot of questions about the car because they are interested in it and often considering buying one themselves. I'm a walking advertisement - man, I just love that car. Like everyone has told you, don't worry about it. You've done a good thing - for yourself and for the air we all breathe. With a MPG average of 47.8 my first week as a Prius driver, I'm the one laughing...all the way down the road...past the gas station. Gas should be up and over $4/gallon this summer and you'll be getting more bang for your buck!
I'm guessing John is closer to that 75% mark. The 2004 Acura TL runs on premium fuel. Whenever I am 'confronted' . . . I reply a little differently. I point at the price of gas and say something along the lines of, "the Prius gets over twice the mileage than the car it replaced . . . what's that . . . it now costs me $1.75 per gallon to drive the same distance? Silly me." John, man up. You made a great decision! Imagine how people would squawk if transit drivers would say, "sorry man, you are bloated and overweight. Your fee is going to be double."
[chorus of: "Hi John!"] I'm Rae, and I drive a Prius. I found myself pulled inexorably towards taking more environmental responsibility, while feeding my tech-gadget appetites. Oh, and gas is $3.47 here.
I feel exactly that way - I've always loved technology and innovation and I want to do what I can for the environment, too. My boyfriend calls PC Chat "the Cult." hee hee - pretty funny. He asks me, "Did you consult the cult about this?" :hail:
Here's all the smiles you need.... As I fill up, drive around, get the looks, check out other Prius' on the road. (loving the 48.5 mpg) I need to take some pictures of mine shortly and post them...
Hi John I have had my 2006 Metallic Gray #8 for 3 weeks now. I gave up my Lexus GS300 which I still take occassional longing glances at...while it sits in my driveway...under the car cover...with the For Sale sign on the window..while it's listed on Craigslist. My GS was the best car I have ever owned. Not a problem in 7+ years, comfortable, safe, heavy. Oh, and did I mention it got 19mpg? I have loved that car like a family member but like someone else said, it get's harder and harder to justify sinking $4/gal of premium fuel in her belly just for a trip up the freeway every day. Although I miss her, I have never had more fun driving a car (except when I had my 85 Mazda RX-7. Oh, and my 79 convertible bug) than I have had with my Prius. This car is really and truly a technological marvel. And I expect it to be every bit as reliable as my GS. I love watching the consumption and energy gauges. I love waiving to my [former] mechanic on the way to work. I love passing by my gas station each week when I used to load up weekly. I love my bluetooth phone, my Aux MP3 player, 6 disc changer, leather seats, nearly instant heat on the heater in the cold 40 deg mornings, and the fun navigation system. I feel like the ultimate nerd but I get up in the morning and can't wait to get in the car and go to work...that is, until I get to work...and then I can't wait to get back in the car to drive home. Now, I drive slower so I can get better mileage so I have less stress and so I can prolong my time inside my new girlfriend. (Oops, I didn't mean that to sound the way it reads--after all, I'm happily married with 3 kids.) But I almost feel like a school kid and kind of wonder when this giddines will wear off. Geez, I'm afraid I'm going to get into an accident playing around with all these cool gadgets, buttons, and displays! I've already installed mud flaps, turned off the backup beep, reprogrammed the doors so they all open at the same time, purchased side moulding but haven't installed yet because it's still too cold out, uploaded my phone numbers, bought the MP3 Aux cable for my player, and purchased the black rear bumper guard. I honestly haven't had this much fun with a car since my very first one. Does it ever get old?? Thanks to all the PC members who have helped educate me to this wonderful car and all its amazing features. I look forward to being back on this site many times. ....Now for just one more peek under the car cover skirt of my Lexus in the driveway...still no offers...[sigh]
Someone really said it best a couple of days ago -- the Prius is so much fun to own and drive that I don't mind making my car payment.