I'l let you know how it goes...I did talk to a different dealer about a new one, and he quoted higher prices, too! I don't understand why they seem to be higher here in SC, but I'm not giving up! I'm going to the dealership here in my hometown today and see what I can find out here for more info. But, the car that I really want is about 3 hours away...so we'll see what happens today. Just hope he'll take my offer and not sell it yet! Love the picture of the dog with your name...is that your dog? I have a poodle that truly appears to be an animal/human hybrid, too! She's incredible when she smiles...she really does. And her lower lip quivers during a storm...she's so funny. Have a good one!
Yes, that is my dog in my avatar. Her name is Dingo and she is a Kelpie. She opens her mouth very wide when she yawns. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/16976782@N07/2216458514/" title="black crocodile by thedogfriend, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2199/2216458514_acd3c37053_o.jpg" width="800" height="600" alt="black crocodile" /></a>
Oh, my gosh, Dogfriend! She could take my other little dog (maltese) in one big yawn! I bet she is a sweetie, though! Went to the Toyota dealer here this a.m., and drove a new one...they were actually just taking it off the truck, and it was the only one they had for sale! Said they couldn't keep them in and only got them about every other week. Anyway, the sticker price was $27,700...touring with package 6. I didn't talk business with them because I wasn't interested in that one. But I'm going tomorrow to the dealership upstate and see the one I am interested in getting. I will say that I really liked the way the 2008 drove...it was sweet! I just pray the 2007 will still be there and the same good ride! Take care of Dingo! Loved the picture! Mary Ann
She is a sweetie. Her nickname is Sweetheart - I call her that almost as often as her actual name. The other dog is Digby - his nickname is Evil Genius. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2378/1814438990_904039d677_o.jpg
Now if that isn't a mischievous face, I've never seen one! So cute!!! Once I get experienced with this site..and get my Prius, I'll send you a picture of my 2! There's nothing like "man's best friend!" The upstate dealer just called and I'll be meeting with him around noon. They won't hold the car, but he said he'd do all he could to make sure it will still be here in the morning! Wish me luck...I'm excited and nervous. I keep thinking about not being able to see to the end of the front hood when you're in the driver's seat, and also sure hope I can get used to using the back-up camera. It's cool, but I'm such an "gotta eyeball the object" driver...I guess you get used to that??? Gotta go get my walk/run in...too much excess energy! Thanks for the picture of Digby, too! Loved it!! Have fun with them!
It took awhile for me to get used to where the front of the car is. There is a marker pole that you can add to the front license plate bracket to help with that, but I just got used to it. http://www.sigmaautomotive.com/SeikoSangyo/brackets.php I also like to look back while in reverse, so you do not have to change your behavior. There is a bottom window in the hatch so that you can see directly behind the car. The backup camera helps when you are parallel parking because the wide angle allows you to see where your bumper is in relation to any objects behind you. Good luck with your negotiations. Hope you get the car you want.
To reduce/nearly eliminate hydroplaning, get the OEM tires OFF the car! They are crap. I've put Michelin Hydroedges on Rudy, and I'm not sure that I could hydroplane if I tried!
Thanks for your suggestions! I'll definitely look into those Michelin Hydroedge tires. And Dogfriend, that really helps to read that you can still look back and see to back up. I know the camera will take some getting used to. I'm sure with practice I'll get used to judging the front distance, too. I'm really excited...I just hope that the car is everything he says it is, and will accept my offer. (I'm afraid I'll get weak if he doesn't accept my offer if it truly is all that I'm looking for.) If it isn't, I've decided to just buy a new one. I really do appreciate all of your help and knowledge! I'll let you know what happens. Have a great night! Mary Ann