My best performance so far. It seems like the mpg keeps getting better every day I drive. This is my 6th week owning this car and I love it. I had my company ID there to prove to my coworkers (also prius owners) because they refused to believe that I beat the 60 mpg barrier. PS: the 25 minutes period shown is when I took my wife shopping after I got home. Mostly congested freeway and city street. My first 160 miles (80 miles one way) is mostly freeway and my prefer speed is cruise control at 64 mph. No AC either.
That is really good mileage. I couldn't help but notice the 59 F. temp. How would it be to have Winter Temps like that again. It's only 17 F. right now with a windchill of 1 F. Brrrrr!
Yeah, that temperature is a real killer. The colder it gets the worse the mileage. I cry around here. Not all that cold, perhap mid to upper 20's with an occassional jump to 34 degrees. That plus my short haul, usually less than ten minutes, and the lousy winterized feul concoction they have here and I looked at the pitiful 38.something MPG I'm getting. Other thing I find is that when I fill up and calculate the MPG myself based on elapsed odometer mileage and real time, that my actual MPG iss less than what the screen says. Too bad I can't X-C ski in 59 degree weather.
64 mph? If you lowered that a little you'd do even better. I've done that run. If you take off the cruise control you can also improve. There are some nice long glide stretches both ways. In general I find my mileage is better coming back that going north. I'll be driving up and back to Fullerton this May. I hope to get some impressive mileage out of that.
Are you taking the 5 to the 405 route? I ask because I live in Murrieta where the 15 is very hilly. My best back and forth to Newport (68 miles each way) is about 58mpg avg (66 there, but only 48 back) @65mph.
I take the 5 and then 405. I think the 5 is also quite Hilly. Usually going North is 3-4 mpg worst than going South. I don't know. It might be because of the temperature difference. I go North in the early morning when temperature is around 45 to 55 degree and go South when the temperature is around 60 to 74 degrees.
Ever seen the 15? LOL!. It's much more hilly than the 5. We sit about 1400ft above sea level, so south on the 15 is killer. I'm hoping for a 60mpg avg by summer though. Thanks.
Go north on 15 and south on 5 You are right, 15 has some wicked hills. Good for proving to me that the Prius I rented in 2003 had enough power. Going up at 65 MPH it still had reserve for more speed if desired. And the 2004+ Prii have more power and get better mileage. In any case, keeping the elevation change of a route in mind can save. If you are high and your destination is high, look for a route that doesn't drop down then go back up. A specific case in Burlington (Battery at Pearl to Main at South Winooski. Left on Pearl, right on S. Winooski vs straight down Battery, left up Main): the distance and number of potential stops is the same but the elevation change on Battery is about 200' down then back up Main is relatively steep. Yes, you are riding the brake and charging on the way down but with 80% efficiency in the 'watts to battery' exchange each way, it can't cover the cost of going back up the hill. Plus, if you have to stop at the signals on Main, you are getting back to speed on the steep. The grade on Pearl is much lower.