HD DVD is not throwing in the towel untill Blu-Ray has all the delegate votes..... Oh, wait.... I'm confused.... jf:lol::lol::lol:
Same question all along: Is the HD war over? Obviously, not. DVD sales will continue for awhile, in large part due to prices. So I asked: How long are we talking before BR is able to overcome the appeal of DVD? Some just like to spin what I say to keep the discussions lively. .
Make sure your hands and feet are completely inside the car...the door's about to close.... Universal says will now switch to Blu-Ray standard - Yahoo! News Universal says will now switch to Blu-Ray standard General Electric Co's (GE.N) Universal Pictures, one of a few studios using the Toshiba Corp-backed (6502.T) HD DVD format, said on Tuesday it will switch to the rival Blu-ray format now that Toshiba has officially pulled the plug on HD DVD. Officials from other HD DVD backers, like Viacom Inc's (VIAb.N) Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc (DWA.N), had no immediate comment. "The path for widespread adoption of the next-generation platform has finally become clear," Craig Kornblau, President, Universal Studios Home Entertainment and Universal Pictures Digital Platforms, said in a statement.
How about an attempt to totally confuse? I switched to DVD back on "Judgement Day", a symbolic gesture as a "Terminator" fan. (August 29, 1997) So I was pretty upset a month later when the DIVX disc format was announced. That delayed schedules. But I survived and was pleased with the outcome This won't be that much different. However... by amazing coincidence, the first VHS tape I have purchased in over a decade just happened to arrive in the mail today (a hard-to-find music video collection produced back in 1998). Having to dig out and reconnect my VCR on the very day that HD-DVD was declared done should make the day rather memorable. Anywho, I'm rambling because the only thing left now is the wait. Gotta fill the time somehow. After all, the next model Prius requires waiting too. .
I needed replacement DVD Player this weekend, and wanted one with decent up-converting scaling. So, I bought a Toshiba HD DVD player which a couple of weeks ago cost $299 for $82 (and got the 7 free HD DVDs), which is about the cost of a decent up-converting player these days. I plan on mainly using it as a regular DVD player, but if I see any HD DVDs at yard sales for a buck I'm set Amazon has a link to the Tigerdirect/Compusa sale on them.
I bought one of the Xbox 360 HD-DVD players today at Best Buy for $50, and I'll mail-in for the 5 HD-DVDs tomorrow just in case they do still honor the rebate. With luck that'd be another 6 including "King Kong" inside the box. If I get HD-DVD-compatible DVD player software for my PC, it'll supposedly work there too. I want another player like a HD-A30 to put away for later since I just got the HD-A2 back in November, but the current price of $130 is just a touch high...
I heard that Microsoft is also going to discontinue the HD DVD drives. I think the HD DVD movie discs will be gone soon. Ken@Japan
How ironic is it that the thing which may wind up driving the greatest adoption of the format is its discontinuance? LOL