Well, me and little mrs. decided to get a Prius and found the dealer with the lowest price after checking what this forum suggested and a likeable salesperson. They said the price will change depending on the price of gas which drives demand. At $2.85/gal, they said it is now a buyers market. But today it went up to $3.09. Our 2000 Camry 4cyl is now in the newspaper/internet. My wife hates to sell the Camry and not as sold on a Prius as me....she says she does not like the way it looks. So we see what transpires. Good forum....good support.
Take your wife along for a test drive. Hopefully she will be surprised. Personally, I love the looks and most importantly the aerodynamic design of the car. For $3.15 / gallon for regular gas...I am keeping my Prius. Good Luck.
Tell her it looks a lot better on the inside - especially when you look at the Multi Display and you are getting over 50 mpg.
show her the Smart Key System and how she'll never have to dig into her purse for her car key again. deal closed.
This may be blasphemy on this forum -- but then I never took a course in college dealing with tact --:flame: If possible, take her (your wife) to a dealer that has the TCH (Toyota Camry Hybrid) and have her test drive both Prius & TCH. :car: Depending on your driving habits and desires, you may find the Prius better, or if you want/need a lot of the "creature comforts" that she's used to in the Camry and y'all can live with the ~10 -> 15 MPG hit (compared w/ the Prius), she may want to stay w/ Camry (TCH). IMNSHO, I believe that y'all would be happy w/ either option. (As you can see from my signature, I DO have an '07 TCH, but did test drive the Prius a few times.)
Interesting comments...thanks. We both did take a test drive a few weeks ago, but she said she didn't need to drive it....a first. We are not interested in a Camry Hybrid because we want this to also take us on a weeks vacation with all our gear and I think the Camry Hybrid trunk is too small with the hybrid box taking up room in the trunk. We know a car's looks can grow on you. She usually thinks my research and decisions are good though, like us getting a Boston Terrier...but getting a SAAB 900S with manual trans was a mistake once. As soon as the Camry is sold, we hit our selected Toyota dealer pronto.