Nah, I don't like ice cream that much, and if I ever do get it it's only cookie dough or butter pecan... mmmmm... The next poster likes cake more than pie!
Don't really have a preference. I have favorites of both. The next poster is REALLY looking forward to a three day weekend!
Yes. The next poster has until 2pm on Sunday to start/finish unpacking/organizing new apartment to be ready for housewarming, and prepared for foot surgery next Thursday (and arrival of Parental Units on Wednesday...). More succinctly, the next poster is a master procrastinator and prefers napping to working, and works best right up against deadlines...
yes and no. lately i have been rather last-minute. the next poster wonders how many more boxes they will need to finish packing up the kitchen. and why it takes so many boxes to pack a kitchen in the first place, even when you have very little food in there.
Not really, since I have already moved often enough in my lifetime, with the next move coming in January of next year. The next poster is glad to finally have found some time to be able to check PC again. Man, these last several months have been busy!!
Yup. Spent the majority of the day shopping and moving in to my new laptop. (Thanks Apriusfan.) Decided to have a 160G harddrive installed before doing all of the installations. Glad I did. But it's taken my most of the afternoon and evening to install, upgrade, transfer, etc. And still not done. The next poster will be enjoying a home grown salad from their vegetable garden this year. (And guess what was in my Sunset Magazine? Michael Pollan "In Defense of Food".)
Maybe if it's a cherry-tomato and basil salad (actually that doesn't sound half bad). I have only a tiny back "porch" to put a couple of garden containers and herb pots. The next poster is looking forward to spending most of tomorrow outdoors.
No; they say we have a 100% chance of rain in the Dallas area for Saturday. The next poster dreads the idea of having to dry off two dogs after they have to go out in that rain.
i never did like the smell of wet dog. and wet farm dogs are worse by far. but we have no dogs. the next poster needs to buy stuff to put on the grill, to feed the people who are helping move boxes.
No. I don't want to move until I graduate. The next poster doesn't know when he/she will graduate and doesn't like uncertainity.
Nope. I know *exactly* when I'm graduating for the last time and am doing it up to the nines. I've got my class ring, I'm having my hair done, and I'm even making my own regalia. Masters in May. (second one.) The next poster's computer still has 6 hours to go copying graphics files before they move on to fonts.
Found the mouse ok, but paying 7,500 Colones for 24 hours internet connection, and then couldn't connect for a long time. :huh: The next poster saw a pair of wild sloths yesterday. (although wild and sloth seems like an oxymoron)
Hi-Ya!! No, my kick's aren't "as fast as lightning", but it would be a little bit frightning. haha The next poster enjoy's long walks on the beach, and candlelit dinners for two.
Actually, yes I do! And today is a beautiful day, I wonder if DH would like to run out to Westport with me for a walk The next poster is ready for warmer weather.
Nope, not yet. But then this *is* So. Cal. I am ready for some more rain. The next poster is having issues with their new laptop and is ready to reinstall the older OS.