Another nail in the coffin, and it's a big one: "Wal-Mart Stores said on Friday that it plans to exclusively back the Blu-ray high-definition movie format, in the latest blow to the rival HD DVD camp backed by Toshiba."
I was just going to post the CNN version of that story. So for those waiting to see "who won the format war", are any of you going to run out and buy a Blu Ray player now? For the moment, I'm happy getting HD content from cable television and Apple TV rentals, but a Blu Ray player might be a possibility if the price drops below $100 and online HD purchases/rentals don't end up advancing enough.
The war is to replace DVD. The recent battle was to identify a preferred HD disc format. Prices must fall still; otherwise, Blu-Ray will share the same place in history as LaserDisc. Focus is on the fate of DVD. .
I wouldn't base anything on what disney does. They got into cel service and out of cel service, almost as fast. Maybe when Encore, and some of the other entertainment channels are 100% blue ray, as well as all the networks ... and a few other entertainment channels, THEN maybe it'll be time to replace our 2 1/2 year old plasma. Maybe that'll be in 6 or 7 years? By then the plasma we have will be ready to replace.
News from Japan. Today, a TV news in Japan said Toshiba decided to terminate the production of HD DVD recorder. I believe the war was over. Ken@Japan
What in the world are you smoking? How does a channel go "blue ray" [sic]? I think you are as confused as the person whose 8-month old post you quoted, who apparently was unaware that Disney has been exclusively Blu-ray from the very beginning.
Hey Morpheusx, I have a Sony rear projection LCD tv that has a native resolution of 720p but can accept 1080i. I have my 360 (my gamertag is FIBBER) connected to the TV via component cables. My TV has a DVI-HDTV connection too. Not sure what that is but the image below shows how it is described in the manual. Is this the same as your VGA connection perhaps? What I'm gathering from your post is that my XBox is not upscaling reg dvds cause I'm using component cables to connect to the TV. Also, I'm not getting the full benefit of having a HD-DVD XBox drive for the same reason and additionally because my TV is not 1080p capable. I can see and easily tell the difference between reg and HD-DVDs though. I'd appreciate it if you could comment, if you are still reading this thread. Cheers.
DVD will continue for quite some time still. Remember how long VHS lasted after Divx fell? Many don't have HD televisions yet either. .
I bought my Panasonic DMP-BD30 last night. bought Cars BD today. it looks unbelievable on my 60" Sony XBR2!!!!
It's not official until Toshiba issues a press release. Rumors of Sony ending RPTV production swirled for weeks before they made it official by issuing a press release.
Arrg! It is all over Google now, and Toshiba HD-DVD players like mine are flooding Ebay and getting bids for 99 cents if they are lucky. Well, it is not totally worthless, it is still a killer upconverting standard DVD player. Well not as good as my Oppo though.
Last update on Engadget HD is that a press conference is scheduled for 5PM Tokyo time (midnight PST), 90 minutes from now. OTOH, other sources report that Toshiba's official position is that nothing has been decided yet.
Before you rush out to get a Blu-ray player the new standard of Blu-ray 2.0 is internet capable and is only now available with the Play Station 3. Other Blu-ray players may be less desirable when the new generation is introduced.
You've inspired me to jump on EBay and see if I can pick myself up a .99c HD DVD player! Are you selling yours, or just commenting on its worthlessness? I'll give you $1.50!