I have a 2008 Prious ordered. I wanted feedback for I live in NY state on a 2,000 foot hill, with a 1/4 mile flat driveway. How does this car stand up to winter conitions? THInking about saving my subaru for winter driving, any suggestions
ANy feedback on how this car handles hills and snowy conditions. I live on a 2,000 foot hill and I read some negative reviews on how it handles
You posted this question and then bumped it one minute later? That's being a little pushy. There are numerous threads on this forum discussing how the Prius handles on snow and ice. A simple search will give you a morning's worth or reading. Normally I would paraphrase some of it in this post to save you the effort of searching, but in this case I will make an exception. Tom
Being a noob myself, I'd be inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt. I would guess that she (?) was not so much bumping after just one minute as simply supplementing her initial question. No harm in that. But what Tom says is true, there is a wealth of information on this board about how Prii handle on hills, ice, etc., and finding much of it is something short of rocket-science.
I was a bit harsh with my answer, having not noticed the original post being in the Noob forum. Welcome to PriusChat. Here are some links to get you started: Tom http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/28935-snow-tyres-other-winter-driving-questions.html http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/26414-snow-winter-tires.html http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/12994-winter-snow-warning.html http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/26414-snow-winter-tires-2.html http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/5370-snow-tire-recommendations.html http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/29053-prius-sucks-winter.html http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/12876-prius-sucks-snow.htmlhttp://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/7588-ever-stuck-winter.html http://priuschat.com/forums/ne-new-england/38251-snow-tires.html http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/41849-prius-safe-drive-snow.html
Everyone seems to put it down in snow/ice handling with the original, from the factory, Goodyear Integrity tires... except for a couple of posts I found. Now granted those posts also specified that they were on tires that were almost brand-new. With that caution, my prius has handled very well on snow and slick ice. The traction light has flashed on but the car kept plowing ahead. Now, I had about 700 miles on the new '08 Goodyear Integrity tires, so maybe that was the key. But for some four days straight I was going up a very steep hill, from about 370 feet to 890 feet or so in a half-mile with three hairpin curves beside.....and here in Oregon, our snow and ice is known for being extra slippery. I don't understand the physics of it, but people who move here from back East are surprised that they can't drive like they used to in the snow/ice back there. Again, just one driver's opinion.... Oh, by the way, had no problem going downhill
The car is as good, perhaps a bit better than your average front wheel drive car. Different tires help. We've all gotten spoiled over the years with our Subarus and our 4 runners etc. If you can drive in snow, you can drive a Prius fine. We just did 5000 miles in the intermountain west with snow most of the way, back roading it. It was fine. I do agree with CyberPRius that our NW snow is different than almost anywhere else in the country. A combination of high water content and temps that hover ~freezing. I used to drive the twistys in the rockies @65 without breaking a sweat, but in the NW I would be hard pressed to drive the same road @30mph. Icarus
I am in a relatively flat part of Michigan (also a noob). We've had a snowy winter here and so far the Prius has handled well (I have a pkg 2 with traction control). My only comment is that snow does get packed into the relatively small wheel wells pretty quickly and the tires will start to 'thrum' if you don't knock it out regularily. I think this would be a pretty standard issue with any small car though not specific to the prius. I have kept my old isuzu trooper for driving in the worst weather. Well that and the isuzu is still good for driving on northern michigan logging trails looking for bears
Not sure about your local laws, but if you drive a 2000 foot hill everyday how about getting studded snow tires? I had studs on my Civic and that thing was unstoppable. Where did the original poster go? No response?
I drove my '05 Prius on pretty bald Goodyear Integrity tires (I've gotten new ones since) all around Tahoe, CA for a week. It handled great. There were several times when the "shaky ground/losing traction" light would come on, but the car never truly slid. But, maybe you should put snow tires on it. A friend of mine did that to hers when she moved to Vermont and she was very happy.