Yes, but only because I work at a hospital. The next poster got a flower (red carnation) and a free pancake breakfast at work today.
Eh, not really. "Be the change you want to see in the world". I try not to pray or hope too much. The next poster could use a hug
Yes, and I already got one, too. The next poster drove someone to the airport this morning, and discovered the secret Prius breeding grounds.
nope, but i did some driving this morning. the next poster was tickled to see snow on the ground for the first time in well over a year.
Haha!! No way!! I've seen snow my whole life, but I do like being tickled... The next poster just smoked a cigarette.
Nope. And doubt I will. Dog does not have opposeable thumbs to dial phone or good enough credit for Visa or internet shopping so I guess I won't get anything this year. (Again.) The next poster wore black today in protest of an overly commercial and sentimental holiday.
Yes! The next poster, no, wait, that is I, I would like to report that I will not be going bankrupt, that I have found a solution (legal at that!), and will be fine, I think. So the next poster may not care at all, but that is okay with me.
The next poster DOES TO care! Yay!!! I'm so very happy Congrats, T.J.! The next poster is finally eating some food today.
Yes if you count Doritos as food (they were out on the goody table and I couldn't resist ) This poster would like to hear about the solution TJ found. The next poster is off of Doritos for good now. Honest.
Well... I don't eat Doritos that often to swear off them. The next poster is getting tired of someone playing the blame game.
omg yes. the next poster has taken all hanging items off the walls, pulled out the nails with bare hands, and spackled the nail holes.
Nope. But I've done plenty of dry wall patching in my day. The next poster is happy it's raining today because that means nice soft earth for turning this weekend prior to planting fruit trees and vegetable garden. Rose pruning too.
I don't want rain, snow, wind, or chills. I want Spring. Yes, come on babe. I know you are there hiding. The next poster wants to eat wild raspberries.
Why, yes. The next poster just watched 'Lost' and was impressed. I had forgot about some very old, very 'blue chip' stock I had, and sold it to 'catch up' on some (not all but enough), bills. I also got a lawyer, to help me figure out how to get rid off/sell/avoid foreclosure on my still unsold house in Florida. So I am back in the ship, so to speak, out of the shark invested waters, steering towards home port, and that is good news, as far as I am concerned. Sorry, did not mean to hijack a thread. Just answering a question.
Nope. Just watche the news/weather. (Yes,T.J. what is the solution, inquiring minds want to know) The next poster is making it a goal to try all of the weird "limited edition" ice cream flavors.