Yes. The next poster owes close to half a million dollars, in a hospital bill, and thinks that is outrageous.
That's waaay beyond outrageous. You were just visiting, not buying the place. The next poster sometimes wonders if there really is intelligent life in the Universe. Including Earth.
we came close, TJ. it was a long, uphill battle to climb out of the hole. i'm sorry you're stuck in this situation. the next poster is moving to a cheaper apartment nearer to the highway in less than 3 days!
Nope. I chose a house that was freeway close to, well, most of the major freeways in the area. It's not the greatest location, but my house has gone from $80,000 in 1987 to $550,000 in 2007. And the subprime bust isn't effecting my area. My home is still worth below the "average" home, but because of that I could sell it tomorrow easily. And I'm sure the solar panels won't hurt me any. The next poster has homesteaded their home so no matter what, no one can take their home away. (Unless they don't make their mortgage payments, of course.)
No, not sure what that means (Homesteading their home) but it sounds like it is worth investigating. The next poster is physically and mentally pooped from too much work and not not enough help.
No because I don't know what homesteading means. I can always live in my Prius...wait I haven't finished paying that off either! The next poster will make someone's day tomorrow...and explain the plan or why not.
Absolutely. I will be making Ms. Bourne's day because she just wouldn't take no for an answer and insisted on bringing her kids to the library to work on the computers on a research project. (At the last minute I might add.) So I will be making her day by performing Gerald McBoingBoing, complete with crash cymbals, train, slide and siren whistles, whip, woodblock, etc for Ms. Cunningham's class, which has been on the calendar for quite some time. Enjoy it Ms. Bourne. The next time, pay attention to what I'm saying when I so no, it is not a good day. The next poster is looking up "homesteading" and finding it is a very inexpensive thing they can do themselves and for very little money, file papers at their local city office to protect the equity they have in their home. It varies from state to state but in California is worth looking in to. California Homestead Act
No. My life is way simpler right now. Perhaps one day I will have all these problems. TJ, half a million? Geez. The next poster waited for one hour and fifteen minutes for the bus yesterday in 10 F weather with a terrible cold (both kinds).
No, I did not. And yes, close to a half a million for the hospital stay. I have yet to see the whole bill. But I have been warned by those in the know, that it will be that. The next poster wants to rock.
Did that on Saturday night, at the wedding reception. Just glad that my various body parts are still working today! The next poster is not a fan of Valentine's Day.
Actually I am... I'm a romantic sap; what can I say? The next poster just learned that snail mail postage is going up one cent in May.
No.... ok maybe just one.. The next poster prefers waffles to pancakes, since they have little "storage squares" built right in to hold all your maple syrup and butter... yum... Damn, I beat you to it Michgal, lol
Not likely. The next poster waited and waited at work and still their packaged didn't come. They checked the tracking and it was delivered an hour after they left.
no spaghetti. i had cereal and milk, which we haven't had in the house for a few days now. the next poster gets to spend more time at the hospital tomorrow morning.