I've got this FM Transmitter by Belkin. Belkin : TuneCast Auto for iPod (edit: ok so it's not exactly this one, mine is black, but you get the idea) It worked fantastically in my old Ford Ranger, it could even block out radio stations. Anyway, when I plug it in to my Prius (both plugs) It won't power it. I've tried it in other cars and it still works great, it just seems that the plugs in my prius can't power it. I found some sort of splitter for cigarette lighter plugs laying around the house, so I tried using that, and now it will power the FM transmitter, but the audio quality is atrocious. Even stations that don't have anything broadcasting, sound really bad. Sometimes if I drive around with it, it seems like certain light sources interfere with the sound. I know this because sometimes if I'm stopped near a blinking light, you can hear the static 'blink' along with the light. Like I mentioned before the transmitter works great in other cars. I'm curious to find out if the Prius uses some sort of non-standard 12v jack that might be causing the problem. Has anyone else experienced anything like this or have any suggestions.
I don't have an ipod, but another mp3 player, and I have a similar FM transmitter product from Griffin. It works fine in the Prius.
I have found that some 12v plugs don't fit as easily as others. That could be the first problem. I too have a splitter that alleviates that problem. When I was using the FM modulator with my satellite radio, I too had some difficulty. I would go through some spots where I would get a lot of feedback and/or static. Lifting my foot off the floor (while still on the pedal) helped for some reason. I also had to pick a station much higher than the normal ones. I was using 95.1 (or something in that range) instead of the typical 88.1. That helped. I think a lot of other drivers had their FM modulators set to the lower frequencies, which would cause my static. I no longer have that problem because I switched to a wired FM modulator. I don't know if they make one specifically for the ipods, but they do make wired FM modulators for auxiliary inputs. DICE would be even better.
Thanks for the responses everyone. Yea, I've noticed sometimes if i move my arms around or my head it affects the static. (sounds weird but it's true) I'm hoping to get a CoastalTech Video/Aux input thing but until then, this FM transmitter is all I have. I found out that my splitter is from the dollar store, so maybe if I get a better splitter it will help. The transmitter charges my iPhone fine, so it appears to be receiving adequate power and such...
One thought is that the whole 12 system is driven off a couple of inverters. Inverters are terrible for producing noice in pretty much everything. The question how ever is it RF noise in the air or is it coming thew the power in the 12v outlet. The 12v outlet would be easy to fix with some filtering capacitors. Much like the high end stereo nuts would use to filter out noise from an alternator. If it's in the air I don't really have any good idea to reduce that.
Yea I kinda thought it may have to do with something like that. Maybe I should plug it into my friends car, and then park my prius next to it, to see if causes any kind of interference LOL. I'm guessing since moving my arms around affects the noise, it's probably in the air if that is infact the problem.
I am too lazy to read the whole thread, so I forgive me if you have already covered this. make sure to check if the metal contacts of the FM Transmitter is making contact to the appropriate areas of the 12v power recepticle. You asked if the Prius' recepticle is different than other cars. Well I have noticed that all of my accessory cords are difficult to put in, and even harder to pull out. They almost get stuck. Hope this helps.
I've tried 'lifting' the contacts a bit to spread them out in case that was the problem; but all it really did was make it harder to stick in and pull out. I did it without any kind of rhyme or reason tho, are there specific parts that need to touch and some that don't?
I believe the outer contacts are the grounds. The pointy end is the positive contact. Maybe the pointy end doesnt make contact. Try sticking it in further. It's the cheapest solution I can think of.
does the socket have power? did you try the one in the console? I bought mine used and the socket had a bad power or ground connection at the spade connector to the socket. I ran a coouple of jumpers for sub/ amp on signal and fixed my problem at the same time. Steve