Looks are kind of subjective. I think the hatchback design is pretty cool looking. It's a totally different car; it should have its own looks. why am I wasting my time even replying to this?
Being ahead of its time requires patience. It's worth the wait. Back when the Classic model was new, nothing else looked like it. Things sure changed as the years rolled by though. The same thing is beginning to happen with the HSD model. The hatchback design is extremely practical, while at the same time offering great aerodynamics. .
Hi Trivial..., There is still some "style" to the Dusenberg/Bugati style designs. These are the designs that were swept away by the Art Nouveu of the 1920's and 30's . The biplane yielded to the monoplane. The riveted steam ship to the welded steam ship (and the more graceful lines that permitted). I think in time, the Prius will be seen in this light. Ask anyone with a PT Cruiser what highway mileage they get, and the Prius look will make a whole lot of sense. Different is not bad, but many people are just predisposed to see things this way. Engineers spend their lives looking at the different, and making judgements as what is technically good or bad. So, its just second nature to know this after a while. I had a issue with different, until I got up close to a Prius and noticed a few things. One thing I remember is in pictures it looks like the drivers position is way far forward, but its not. The front seats are just forward of midships like most cars. Its the shape that seems to cause the perception of the far foward driver's seat. Give it a chance, and go see a Prius in person, close up.
I would agree with you if most of the cars that were made in the last 10 years were ugly but most all of the cars made in the last 10 years are the best looking cars that have ever been made. Toyota should have put the prius engines in a more sporty looking car first, even if the car lost a few MPG because of the body.
I know what you mean. I too wish it looked like a hot sports car or the elegant lines of the Camry or Avalon...but this car was styled for max mpgs and that is the style it gets. I noticed the new Civic and one of the Nissans (Sentra?) look very similar. This may be the shape of things to come. I still think Toyota could style it up a little. I saw pics of the new body style (2009?) it is a little better but about the same. I am getting used to it. I wouldn't mind a bigger grill (ie. Dodge).
I guess I am on crack because I have liked the way this car looks since it first came out. I actually want one for hauling stuff ; kind of my knock around car.
Wrong. Case in point: Honda put a hybrid drivetrain into a Civic without body style changes, and it only sold a fraction as well as the Prius. Hybrid buyers wanted others to notice that they were driving something different, so the unconventional (but extremely efficient) styling of the Prius was a positive sale inducement, not an impediment as you baselessly claim. This has been well documented in various advertising and marketing articles. Do your homework before passing judgment on Toyota's marketing.
whatever... No, it does not. See ConsumerReports.org - Most fuel-efficient cars. In comparison, the 4 cylinder Camry in Consumer Reports testing got 16/36, 24 mpg overall. An improvement of >40% overall and 75% improvement in city mileage is nothing to sneeze at yet the HyCam has more power. The Civic Hybrid looks like a regular Civic. It sells nowhere near that of the Prius. The Honda Accord Hybrid looked like a regular Accord. It sold very poorly and has been discontinued. Well, its price premium coupled w/not very high sounding mileage numbers probably was why. The Prius has the highest owner satisfaction as survey by Consumer Reports of any vehicle 4 years in a row. ConsumerReports.org - Best and worst in new car owner satisfaction: Car owner, auto shopping FWIW, I do feel the Prius is funny looking.
I have yet to have anyone (other than you ;-) ) that thought the Prius body style was not attractive. Granted, I hang with a more mature group but everyone makes a point to go over and "take a look". Comments usually are that they are going to go drive one..............to my engineering mind the shape is a beautiful example of excellent design that is a part of a total package that delivers on one of the best designed and thought out drivetrains and body designs of any car in a long while.
I wouldn't worry about it, Trivial. You gave us all a great opportunity to talk about something we love with other people that understand us. Besides, thr grumpy old moderators are too senior to get us started with posts like yours! Enjoy your Prius for whatever reason you bought it and the PC people will accept that.
I love the look of my Prius but I have to agree with you Trivial! Wouldn't Toyota have done so much better if they put the Prius drive train in something that looked ordinary and bland rather than stand out packaging? The Prius has more leg room and has a more flexable inside layout but the camry is more normal looking. Why didn't toyota ignore aero design and waste fuel pushing a conventional boring 3 box design through the air? Why hasn't the Prius got an abundance of good old American chrome splashed all over it? The grill should have been massive and over done, standing at the front of the car like a fake Rolls Royce, wouldn't that have looked better? Oh yeah! Why didn't they put huge wheels on it with wide tyres? Big wheels that would have required more metal to cover them and a longer wheel base so the interior space didn't end up smaller. Wouldn't that have been so much better? And no one would care it got worse fuel consumption, would they? Just beautiful!!
Everyone has their own tastes in what they consider 'appealing.' At first, I was attracted to anything I could get my hands on. Later I found myself attracted to the sports car types . . . the curvy, sexy, flashy, blond bimbos of the car world. After finally growing up, I'd found myself seriously attracted to redheads with green eyes. That rare breed that embodies a very refined beauty. THAT is what a Prius is to me. It's not typical, and it's not a bimbo. It has a refined beauty all its own. Funny that I ended up with a red car that is "green."
Apparently, Joe will not be happy until Toyota releases the FT-HS hybrid. Toyota Concept Vehicles -- FT-HS
The lesson to be learned then is to not use such a strong negative adjective in the subject. It was begging for an aggressive response. Having asked a question instead, without stating an opinion, would have been far more appropriate. .
So-called "boring" family cars have always sold in much greater quantity. That's the reality of the automotive market. You want to make a difference, focus on high-volume production is a necessity... hence the attention on Prius & Camry hybrids. .