I found Priuschat while doing research on which hybrid to buy. It was immediately apparent that Priuschat was a different kind of bulletin board -- overall, everyone was nice and genuinely wanted to help one another. The level of politeness and goodwill is more than anything I have experienced so far. I happen to believe that Priuschat is worthwhile because the type of people that own a Prius are a little (or a lot) different than ordinary car buyers. There are a lot of reasons to own a Prius and almost all of them appeal to the great kind of people that post on this site.
I'd have to agree. A vast majority of the people who frequently post on this site are very knowledgable, patient, and helpful. Every once in awhile, someone gets their knickers in a bunch, but this is typically the exception, not the rule. Keep enjoying the site. I came to the site for the same reasons, I've was doing research on Prius reliability and have stayed to learn as much as I can. Nothing I've seen here has dissuaded me from wanting to purchase a Prius.
It might help that the average Prius owner is a bit more "mature" than the general internet membership. Plus we have a more-or-less common goal of reducing the world's emissions. That's not at all universal among Prius owners, but it does kind of set the tone. Get into the FHOP (Fred's House of Pancakes) forum, and things get a little rowdier, but they don't talk about the Prius so much in there.
Secret Identity Revealed Gut job, StevO! I tink it vunderful that you haf discovered my secret identity so quickly. How will I ever break the news to my mother that StevO thinks I am a Nazi? I was going to mention in my earlier post that there were a few exceptions to the polite Priuschat crowd but thought someone would quickly prove the point.
Re: Secret Identity Revealed Seriously, welcome aboard! And congrats on your new Prius! If you really want to see our ugly side, check out our political forum in Fred's House of Pancakes.
I do try to bring a bit of balance to the forum. You know, knock off a few smooth corners and rough it up a little. G'day Jack.
I too agree. In fact I think this forum ends up being a great marketing tool for the Prius because of the quality of the conversation. [puts on tinfoil hat] Heck I even suspect that everyone is just a computer bot run by a giant Toyota computer in Nagoya, Japan designed to get us to buy more Prii! [Heads off to buy the family's first Prius today!]
[in an Eliza voice] It is interesting that you say become homicidal. Please tell me more about become homicidal.
One Last Thing Did I forget to mention that most Priuschat folks seem to have a strange, yet friendly, sense of humor? I guess I fit in...
Re: One Last Thing SCREW YOU, TP!! Welcome to Priuschat, Jack! Sometimes my wife and I "lip off" to each other. Like sometimes I'll look over and say, "I love you, honey." To which she replies, "screw you, Schaefer."
TonyPSchaefer Have not run into him yet (no pun intended) -- only read some of his posts. I look forward to meeting all the Priuschat characters over time -- there are so many... Oops...guess I have! Nice to meet you, Schaefer.
If you spend some time reading through the different forums, you will quickly become an expert on the Prius--so much so that you will probably know more than the dealer's service department, and your friends and colleagues will quickly learn not to bring up the subject in your presence! - Doug
MOD WARS!!! [sorry, i had to! hehe] hiya jack! welcome aboard. we're not a bad bunch overall, really.
I absolutely agree. I just joined, but have been browsing the forums and have noticed a strong positive change from the attitude in this forum compared to other forums. Example: I'm a member in a few high end car forums (from previous vehicles I've owned) and it seems everyone is completely impatient and wants to analyze and almost doubt every word one says. In other forums, I've noticed so many immature users acting completely obnoxious...leaving many members wanting to leave. On the other hand, it seems the users on this forum are very receptive to giving positive responses while illustrating enormous patience.