No, already scraped snow of the car this morning. The next poster's Prius got a nice shower today and is looking clean.
Not too hard to stay warm and dry when you're inside and out of the wind & rain. The next poster is enjoying a "lazy Sunday".
Assuming a very loose definition of "lazy", yep! The next poster is trying to get the hang of using cast-iron cookware.
Nope, I've been using cast iron cookware for more years than I want to admit! The next poster is unduly proud of the home improvement projects they finished!
our cats are double the size of your dog and we can find plenty of places. with an extra deposit of course. now if it's non-refundable, no deal. good luck! the next poster is waiting to hear from someone.
Yes, Looked at a new home today. Waiting to hear from the sales person with answers to my questions. The next poster is hoping their borderline cold goes away tomorrow.
I hope your borderline cold goes away, and am glad I don't have a cold right now (especially since it is cold and rainy right now). The next poster spent some quality time in the workshop this weekend building stuff.
Nope... The next poster had started to wonder if Noah and his Ark would be making an appearance in So Cal.
Not sure what you mean Galaxee. I'm sure your presence (and this poster's) meant much more than that. You probably impacted people in good ways that you may not even be aware of. The next poster is sooooo tired, and can barely hold her eyes open.
Absolutely not. The next poster just got offered an interview for a job they never applied for. (Huh?)
No ear ache, though there is a bit of snow on the ground here. The next poster really shouldn't read in bed *Yawn*
oooh...I love reading in bed. And since I'm a hopeless night-owl any resulting sleepiness is a plus (assuming it's at night). The next poster's hard disk died last night. ARG!
Thankfully, no. The next poster want the weather to be more consistant. It's 43F today and 16F tomorrow. What's up with that?