[FONT=trebuchet ms,sans-serif] Download Mp3 Clip: The Car of the Future [/FONT] [FONT=trebuchet ms,sans-serif](21:43)[/FONT] [FONT=trebuchet ms,sans-serif]Dr. Moira Gunn and Economist reporter Veejay Vaitheeswaran talk about energy, the Prius[FONT=verdana,sans-serif], [/FONT]and the car manufacturers decided to build -- or not build. Find out what's in store for hybrid vehicles and the global race to build the car of the future.[/FONT] [FONT=trebuchet ms,sans-serif]Related: Watch[/FONT]
No mention of car but of oil. You are right the Prius is the car of now, in the future there will be something different but for now the Prius is the best of a poluting, oil thirsty bunch. It is a step in the right direction.
The Prius isn't the car of the future. It is a bridge to whatever the future will bring. It is a change. It is getting people to change a mindset and accept something a little different. So they can accept something a little more different. Then more different. Then a LOT different. The Prius isn't the destination. It's part of the journey.
Yeah. We've said it again and again for several years now that the Prius is the means to REDUCE our dependency on fossil fuels. However, any technology that still relies on fossil fuels can not ELIMINATE their use. So while the Prius is not currently all-electric, it's about half way there. While it does not currently burn renewable fuel, it's about half way there. Though it's not the car of the future, it's our first step towards getting there.
Prius is the car of the future, TODAY!! As I've said before, if half of all americans drove a Prius, there would be not oil shortages, our troops would not be in Iraq, there would be less pollution and less acid rain, less global warming, etc., etc., etc...... BTW: the largest supplier of oil to the US is not Saudi Arabia or any other middle eastern country, it's our neighbor to the North, Canada.....
The Car Of The Future is the hydrogen powered Chevy Tahoe!!! That will get everbody's blood boiling LOL
Of course the Prius is not the car of the future since when you arrive in the future it becomes the present and something else will be in the future. What is fact is that the Prius is one of the best technologies you can buy in a car today. When you consider all that you get, it also represents quite a value. Or you can drive a Tahoe.....
Hybrid technology has been (and is being) perfected in the last 10 years or so, since the first Prius was released in Japan. The ICE has been around for 100 years. What will be the "standard" for the next 100? Surely some type of fuel cell technology or battery power....... who knows??
Prius is the car of the here and now. It's funny that sometimes I hear "I won't buy a Prius because it's a transitional technology" How long is the transition?!
Can't you consider every car built transitional? Ever new car is an upgrade from the one before it. Or so they want you to think.
Wait a second... isn't THIS the car of the future? I mean, if it doesn't have Mr. Fusion, I'm not buying it. Plus, everyone knows that every car of the future needs one of these babies installed:
I disagree. Prius is the car of the future because it uses the technology of the future, which is the Hybrid Synergy Drive. Prius is the first implementation of HSD with gas engine. There is also Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle using HSD as well but not in production yet. The point is that HSD can combine electricity with another power source. It doesn't have to be gasoline.