test driving a package 6 tomorrow night until saturday. if I like it and can work reasonable numbers, I hope to join the prius crowd soon and chuck my guzzler to the curb. cheers
I hope you like it and can get a reasonable deal. I rented a Prius on two different occassions, prior to buying, to get a realistic test drive over my routine work commute, and verify the economy and driving techniques I had read about here early on. I was sold and bought one. It took two drives because the first time I couldn't get a good deal so I put off. Good choice on my part, the next time was the charm. I really like the car, get excellent fuel economy, have had NO problems, and have enjoyed a more relaxed commute and life , since getting the Prius.
+100 on the relaxing driving experience. The Prius is easy to drive and fun to take anywhere. Nowadays, I just take my time cruising the roads and maximize my fuel economy. I hope you like the Prius you are test driving. Remember, if you pass on that car...someone else will pick it up in no time.
this dealer has like 5-6 sitting on the lot now for a couple weeks, so hopefully they are willing to deal. I will also be waiting for one to come in that is the color I want, so they will get full holdback on it. I drive like 60 miles per day roundtrip to work on a major highway with lots of traffic signals. I easily average 24 mpg in my jetta 2.0T and did a pseudo-hypermiler test for one tank to see just how well I could do. I managed to pull 29 mpg, heh. I figured I would get a little above 30. So I think I am a good fit for a prius as long as I find it comfortable. I'm 6'0 and tend to like to front legroom a lot, so hopefully it isnt much of a compromise. makes me wish the seat-base change i read about in another thread weren't so complicated. more to come after the drive!!
Our dealer loaned me one for a day when I had our Avalon in for service. That was all it took. In less than two weeks there was a new Prius in our driveway keeping the Avalon company and our Civic Hybrid went away. The Prius is the easiest car to drive that I have ever owned and since I am almost 75 years old, I have had quite a few. Enjoy your test drive.