* lower dust-to-dust environmental impact than a humvee! * uses less environmentally-damaging nickel than other battery-driven cars * no ducks were harmed in the making of this product
LOL! Keep it up guys! This is why I keep coming back to Priuschat at the end of a long hard day. Who needs sitcom writers when you've got Godiva and all?
Volt already in its final stage of production market ready in the 2020 ( GM EV fast production facility ) ofcourse only on lease excpect gm to max lease for 3 years and offer you a nice v8 instead and a optional new lease EV in about 10 years after that ( 2033 )
Volt: Built with combat proven stealth technology (and available in any color you want, as long as it is black.)
Actually the Volt has been around for quite a few years now, since our Government and GM has been testing them at Area 51. Pictures of the Volt have been further classified, since they are of extreme importance to national security. Some people have speculated that they have caught brief glimpses of a new vehicle that has been clouded in secrecy for quite a while now. GM and our Government have been keeping this new vehicle under "wraps" due to possibilities it could be used as a terrorist tool. GWBush said today that, "GM has ushered us into a new era of dependence on dealerships, parts houses, and repair shops". Further helping our economy by putting more people to work, which is what we really need at this time. Bush went on to say that when the Volt is declassified and put into production, it will revolutionize transportation as we now know it.
Volt: It, with another dozen models, still not available. Vot: If we'd a put as much cash into R & D as we did marketing it, you'd a been driving it 5 years ago.
GM announced today that building on what it learned with the EV-1, the Volt will neither be sold nor leased to prospective drivers. Rather, it will be delivered to showrooms on November 15, 2013, where the public will be allowed to view it for one day. Test drives will not be permitted. On November 16 all the cars will be sent directly to GM's recycling facility where they will be crushed and buried in GM's private landfill, thus saving prospective drivers the inconvenience of having to return them later.