No, but I did tutoring when I was in college... mostly computer skills related (like, how to check the student email, sigh). The next poster is intoxicatingly in love.
No, not really. The flavoured ones aren't quite so bad, though. The next poster knows that Ponderosa Pine trees smell like vanilla.
Yes - but I have to drive ~3 hours from here to get to Pine Tree Country to enjoy that smell. The next poster knows that the characteristic smell of pineapple is ethyl butyrate, but has no idea what to do with that tidbit of information. [SIZE=-1] (Thanks for the whoo-hoo, Moxie! I secretly think that bugs are why Engineers go bald towards middle-age) [/SIZE]
ahh organic chemistry. don't get me started on that stuff. the next poster found a new place to live today.
No, I love our little house. You are moving? Giving up passive solar and solar hot water? ah, well, as long as you are happy The next poster is enjoying some hot tea for her/his sore throat. sniff sniff.
no, it's too late for me to ingest anything other than water. [actually, we're giving up a chronic flea infestation, a half dozen gunshots a night in the neighborhood, craptastic apartment management, a ridiculous rent increase, a new bitchy neighbor, and a longer-than-needed commute for DH. all for less than we pay now. fair tradeoff imo.] the next poster is waiting for something to dry.
Nope. That's way too much work. Not only do I not want my own business, I don't want to work at all. I want to win the lottery, retire and have more money than I can spend. The next poster has all of the silk they need to start their regalia hood. Woohoo.
Nope, not even sure what that is. The next posters white cell count is normal. And when asking the doctor what that meant for his cancer, was told this in response: Cancer? What cancer? (I lose a toe and cancer at the same time? Is that a coincidence or something else?)
I'm not wondering, but I'm incredibly happy for T.J.!! The next poster is, once again, suffering from some sort of runny nose/sore throat thing, and can't sleep.
Nah, I've got the cold thing pretty much wiped. Still working on the sleep, though. The next poster's got a long day ahead of them.
I dont have that kind of label maker, but i do love the one I have! The next poster just took their food out of the micro & found a dog hair! How did that get in there?! Congrats TJ!!! Such happy news! (Though I'm sorry about the Toe)
No. The next poster had his stitches removed from his toe today, but still has to clean it everyday and can't get it wet until two weeks from now.
Thankfully, no, and I'm glad to hear the good news your Doc gave you, TJ! The next poster wants to go to the Barrett-Jackson auto auction before it's over.
Oh no, you won't see me there. I get way too excited at auctions. The fingers start tingling, the hand begins to shake and then the whole arm flips up into the air. Lo and behold I've bought a $5000 sewing machine that I have no idea how to operate at an auction, but it was owned by a little old lady who barely used the thing. I can't imagine what I'd do at a car auction! The next poster plans to spend a lot of time in the library next weekend.
well maybe. i'm not quite sure. the next poster keeps running across things that make them laugh uncontrollably.
Uh, no. I spend a lot of time in the library Monday-Friday so I try to keep my weekends library-free. The next poster just reviewed a video and woo-hoo IT'S GONNA WORK!