Actually I did. (Xmas tree taken down, lots of reading, bagel run to Panera, laundry x2, cooked a casserole--nice weekend) The next poster is disappointed because their favorite footbal team lost today. Better luck next season guys. Hang in there Jeff.
No... but Trixie could have been Fred Astaire singing in the rain this past weekend. The next poster has to make a major announcement to someone very soon.
No, I'm still waiting for someone to announce something major to me. The next poster spent 4 hours at a hospital this morning, but didn't see Katherine Heigl anywhere.
Damn straight! Damn it, at least that would make this stay better! The next poster is set to go AMA on Tuesday.
No, but our new sofa-thing cushions arrive Wednesday. The next poster is totally enamored of his/her new electric glass tea kettle.
NO. I just run water through my coffee pot for tea. (and hot cocoa, and hot cider, and instant oatmeal. My coffee pot serves lots of functions) The next poster hopes T.J. has the good sense NOT to leave AMA. You've been a good patient this long. Hang in there a little longer.
Nah, lucky stiff's got another week. The rest of us went back to school/work today. The next poster will be making a major career change in the near future and is scared to death.
oh yes. DH is studying for a new career (see above post) and it's taken a lot of changes, a lot of uncertainty, a lot of sacrifice, a lot of Wth are we doing. but the payoff will be infinitely better in the long run. good luck to you! keep the bigger goal in mind. the next poster needs to get up early tomorrow.
I hope not. The next poster had to go AMA, since he has no medical insurance, and the meter is running. Plus the doctor is releasing me anyway.
Nope, insurance is fine here. The next poster is having trouble talking today because they have a sore throat.
No... but I hope to see it this weekend. The next poster knows someone who looks remarkably like Ellen Page. (She's the actress in Juno)
Just look her up and yeah, she does kind of have one of those faces that reminds me of somebody. Next poster had never heard of Ellen Page until five minutes ago.
Erm...make that 1 minute ago. I am such a dino. The next poster has been thinking about TJ and is glad he's on the mend.
Yes, indeed! And very glad he will be getting his diabetic meds and follow-up office visits for free. The next poster learned a whole bunch of new stuff from TJ's foot thread (maggots...huh - go figure!)
Yep. The next poster finally got the 10 yards of black tropical weight wool twill suiting they're going to use to make their own academic gown for their master's graduation and is absolutely thrilled.
Can't say yes to that one. The next poster is tickled pink to be home, typing again on a normal keyboard (laptop keyboards stink).