I know this is not the best place to ask this question but I don't feel like registering on a gun forum and ask the standard newbie question. After completing my conceal carry class Saturday and applying at the sheriff's office today I want to get a good gun to carry with me. I decided on getting a Kel-Tek P3AT to carry all the time but I want something a little bigger in size to carry and play with. I decided I don't want anything bigger than a 9mm but I want the frame size to be in the medium to compact size area. I know all guns are different, each have their own bells, whistles and its up for me to decide which one I like. I'm not a gun nut and don't know much about them so I need a little help with getting pointed in the right direction. Here is what I have looked into so far. Glock G26 - Seems to be a real popular gun. Lots of addons and mods. Overall seems to be pretty good. S&W M&P Compact 9mm - Looks like a good gun from the reviews I have seen. Vektor SP1 - Cant find much on this gun but one of the guys had this down at the range and looked like a really nice gun. XD (sub)Compact - From what I have heard the warranty is one of the best features of this gun. I have also read its a very good over all gun. Only thing I did not like was the safety on the grip. Anyone have any opinions on the above guns? Do you have a suggestion on a different gun? They don't make electric rail hand guns yet do they? Maybe a hybrid? Something like the Prius of guns?
If you're going to carry it around all the time, buy the lightest one. Seriously, the heavier the gun, the more of a burden it gets to be over the span of a day. There's a very good reason why a majority in law enforcement choose Glocks.
Thats why I bought the kel-tek. It was small and light. I want something a little bigger that I will only carry every once in a while. Something to keep in the car or home and something a little bigger that does not feel like a toy. I'm leaning on the Glock more than the other 3 but I also like the looks of the Vektor. I currently have a Norinco 9mm but its more of a collectors gun. Its not expensive ( about $300-$400 I think ) but its still a rare gun.
The Vecktor [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Helv]9mm CP1 is a particularly snazzy looking gun. Vecktor is South African. All guns have their good points and bad. The Glock uses a double stack magazine, making the handgrip somewhat thicker than, say, Kahr P9's and others that use a single stack. It really depends on how the particular gun fits your hand, though. Just like a good pair of shoes, if it doesn't fit, it won't be as good no matter how well it stacks up otherwise. Go to a really good gun shop that has the widest selection, a firing range and hopefully a former policeman who owns the shop (I know of one around here that fits those requirements which is why I mention it) if you want sound advice and a proper fit. [/FONT]
Safest is probably a corking gun, maybe a staple or nail gun would be useful and you could build stuff while you "play with" it. I have a pop rivet gun which has proven to be pretty reliable, it's a Teng Tools brand, I recommend it. Has a comfy grip and the safety is a simple metal catch. I have to admit I don't carry these with me all day but if I was going to the pop rivet gun is the lightest but the staple gun has a huge magazine and is semi-automatic, it fires every pull of the trigger and powerful enough to drive a staple 10 to 12mm into hardwood.
Most of my coworkers swear by the Hi-point hand guns. Like the 9mm compact, model c-9 $ 155.00 Or the model 40 S/W $ 186.00 Or the 45acp $186.00 Dont let the low price fool you our swat guys swear by them for off duty carry.. One buddy has put 2000 rounds through his compact 9, and it didnt jamb once.... ***************************** LOL pat, Get back or I'll staple you! Oh you want my wallet? How about I rivet you instead.... LOL
I recommend a Glock 23. My favorite sidearm is my Glock 23(c). Some people don't like the (c), I do...
Had no idea what the "C" was for...wikipedia to the rescue: "The Glock 23C is a compensated version, which features a ported barrel and slide to allow some of the gases to escape when the gun is fired. This reduces recoil felt by the shooter and allows faster follow-up shots to be made."
It sounds like you have done your homework, I decided to buy the exact same guns you are considering here is my 2cents. I have the Kel-Tec 3PAT for concealed carry, a Springfield Armory 9mm 4" service model, and a HiPoint 9mm Compact. I carry the KelTec with me when I go out of the house, I keep the Springfield in my home and use it at the shooting range, and I keep the HiPoint hidden in my car. Just a few extra notes: The springfield is by far the most comfortable gun to shoot and it is one I would most trust my life with. If you plan on regularly shooting the Kel-Tec at the range I would recommend getting the finger extender for the bottom of a second Kel-Tec clip, it is very uncomfortable to shoot with the stock clip. I prefer the Uncle Mike side holster for the Kel-Tec. Due to its low cost and amazing warrantee the Hi-Point is also nice for camping/boating or other activities where the gun may receive some abuse. The secret drawer in the center console of the 04-08 Prius is great for safely storing your 3PAT in the car.
Beware of the Compensated pistol; yes, the "comp" reduces recoil, but it significantly increases muzzle flash and noise (in an enclosed space, or anywhere with a roof). Apparently fire one in the dark and you're blinded. A single-stack is easier to conceal, or so I've been told.. You might want to consider something a little bit bigger than a 9mm (just doing my bit to promote the "Which Calibre is Better" holy war .40S&W ) Pat is about right; gun laws in .au are absolutely crazy and .nz isn't much better; there's almost no 'right' to self defence down this way - and almost no handguns either. Last piece of advice - find a range, join up, and go practice regularly. Target practice is fun; competitions like NRA Action or IPSC are better (or even IDPA with concealed draw - something they won't let us near down here..)
For CC I prefer the Kahr line. The single stack has a profile that allows it to be concealed virtually anywhere. The polymer frame allows you to carry all day and hardly notice it. I have the lower price 9mm CW. I have put 3K rounds through it at the range without one single jam, fail-to-feed or fail-to-fire. Random review linky: http://www.kahr.com/PA-1B/review_gm1205.html Since you seem to have your carry piece decided, I would suggest a Glock 45 for range fun. The Kahr has a single stack, and I have big hands so I don't use it for long range sessions. The Glock on the other hand, fits extremely well. I can run the Glock 21 all day without discomfort. patrick
Pat is dead right and that is just the way I like it thank you. I think I have posted elsewhere the stats regarding gun related and other homocides in Australia and the USA and I like living where the odds are in my favor. Yes, take my wallet, if I pull a gun you're more likely to take my life. If I was a robber and was going to rob in a place where people have concealed guns I would make sure my gun was ready earlier. Bad form telling people where you might have your hand gun hidden in your car IMHO.
I love my Tanfoglio .45 ACP. Statistically the chance of being the victim of a random assault is so small that it would be irrational to carry a weapon.
I am very happy with my Glock 33 for concealed carry. It's very small, you can add a laser sight and it is extremely accurate. Now I'm of relatively small stature at 5'7" and the gun is small even for me -- I can only wrap three fingers around it but that's more than enough to control it if you have a stiff wrist and experience. ~ dan ~
My recommendation to you or anyone that says such tom-foolery, go and fire one yourself. yeah... it's slightly louder. that's about it. Don't fire it whilst holding it under your chin and you'll be fine.
Just to be clear on this, we're not discussing target pistols here are we? In which case we're talking about firearms that are used to kill people. Oh ick!
I'm talking target pistols. Odds are the Americans are talking self defence. I've stood next to a comp'd .38 calibre "race gun" being fired under an overhanging roof. You don't so much hear the gun go off as feel the shockwave. Very nice and very accurate though. Of course with target shooting, blinding yourself in the dark is a non-issue; as excepting IPSC, you never shoot in the dark anyway! My favourite gun is a shotgun. Duck with a shotgun? irony, right? Not to mention showing up in the kills list for the round as killed by a player with the nick "Sitting Duc". Can't be good for your ego. But that's only in the world of computer games... I have no use for a real rifle or shotgun, and less use for a handgun.
Interesting how there were no votes for the SigSauer pistols. The military special ops community love the SigSauer pistols.