Hyo, F8L, Paul... good luck, guys! Been nice knowing you. Be green to be a good citizen... but don't for a second think that it'll do any good! You guys just don't know good "facts" when you see them!
first of all, it's particularly unfair for you (and other posters) to label me "obtuse" or any of the other choice words simply because I happen to disagree with you. As I've said before, I wholeheartedly believe people (corporations included) should act responsibly towards the environment (i've stated this several times). I've also acknowledged that the climate is changing (said this several times too)... Again.. the only problem I have is that people are being lied to about WHY the climate is changing. I also have a problem that people with a POLITICAL agenda have branded the THEORY of MAN MADE climate change as a "fact", when it's not. - that's all!
And I believe there's an overwhelming body of evidence FOR man-made forces being a significant factor in the current climate change. But let's just call it a difference of opinion and leave it at that...
It's not "us" you're disagreeing with. It's decades of well-documented research by hundreds, if not thousands, of highly educated professionals. If you were some brilliant rogue scientist on the brink of proving a revolutionary theory with startling new data, you might reasonably present your case. If all you've got is a closed mind and an opinion, I can think of many more words than 'obtuse.'
ya... right Guess what.. not everyone (including your "highly educated professionals") agrees with the theory Sorry this upsets you so much. Perhaps you should stomp your feet in anger.
I'm not upset, and I'm not going to stomp my feet in anger. If you choose not to accept reality, that's entirely your decision.
Reality? What kind of drugs are you on? You believe in a particular theory, and a political ideology that's tied to it. You're a minority in our society - don't force your beliefs on me. Again... not EVERYONE believes in your theory... in fact, a majority of people (professional and not) happen to disagree with it.
They (we) don't give you that label because you happen to disagree with them (us.). They (we) give it to you because you are disagreeable. I don't expect you to understand the difference - though I do expect a clever rejoinder. You ignore what others say, and then claim that they're ignoring what YOU say. Just sucks the fun right out of any discussion. Has NOTHING to do with disagreement. Has everything to do with trying to have a reasonable discussion. You seem to have no idea as to what you, or anybody else is saying! Good lord. I just read the Prii in Canada thread. You're serious?! Even in the face of hearing from private owners, you still contend that nobody privately owns them? Pull your head out before you suffocate, man! I thought your first post in that thread was a joke.... but you really DO think that you know what you're talking about, don't you? What the hell. I'm glad you're having fun. You can't possibly believe what you write.
No.. you're simply incapable of understanding that the majority of people on this planet don't believe in your theory, therefore you get very very angry and insult anyone who disagrees.
Awesome! Thanks for making my point so nicely. You seem quite hung up on who's side the majority is on. Have you noticed what the majority of folks in this thread think about your posting style and rampant ignorance? Happy New Year. Darell, out.
You're right. I'm sure the majority of the people on the planet do not believe in or are even aware of global warming since most are uneducated, live on $2/day, or think Nascar is the greatest sport of all time. You are wrong in that most scientists educated in this subject do not agree with global warming. Maybe you should stop hanging out with the knuckledraggers and start hanging out with people who actually understand natural processes.
Question: How many times is the pull cord going to be pulled before it is discovered that the chain saw is not going to start? This question applies to both sides.
Some of us switched to electric chainsaws long ago. They start every time the trigger is pulled. But I digress... do not know why I keep coming back. Just like the scene of an accident. You know you shouldn't look, but you just can't help yourself. I have a morbid fascination with how the self-proclaimed "average American" thinks.
great idea... and I'll make sure I buy a small gas generator to run the electric chainsaw when I'm out in the back 40 cutting up wood. Sometimes gas makes sense... it's there for a reason.
To me the realization that a significant number of people, regardless of education, will oppose needed changes is from following the destruction of the Northwest Cod Fisheries. From another thread: Even after the Cod fisheries were totally destroyed, many fisherman were angry that the fisheries were closed. ("It's a God given right to fish!) That level of denseness is beyond impenetable. Other fisherman changed jobs (since there was no choice) and a few became messengers to other fishermen to start listening to the experts in managing stocks. How the world handles the remaining fisheries will be a good indicator of how we will handle the remaining oil and coal reserves.