Yes, except for a small but important item that's close by, I think I have. The next poster hasn't started wrapping yet.
Yes. I'll probably be doing that at the 11th hour on Christmas Eve. The next poster loves the old pre-Code Betty Boop cartoons of the early 30s.
No, just silence at the moment. The next poster thinks the light of a full moon on fresh snow is a wonderful sight.
Absolutely. I've seen pictures of it. Looks real nice. The next poster finished the last of the shopping down to the family pets and is looking forward to a relaxing eve of bubble baths and pampering.
Bwa ha ha! Nope. If you're smart you'll go to Vons (if you have one). They have a Kiosk with every gift card in every amount you'd want. That's what I did. The next poster will be spending the remainder of the holidays neatening, straightening, putting away, dusting, vacuuming and cleaning. With time outs to eat and open presents.
All that plus, a couple more presents to get and tons of driving... as usual. The next poster has been caught under the mistletoe.
No, I prefer a little more control over my mountain-down sliding. The next poster is not even contemplating an early morning Boxing Day sale.
Absolutely right. I try to avoid all Malls from the day before Thanksgiving until Jan. 6. The next poster is having roast beast tonight and will have a quiet day tomorrow.
spaghetti as usual for us tonight, roast beast sounds good. the next poster is doing some major cleanup and downsizing around the house during their time off.
Yes, which is why I'm grateful that I have over a week off now. It never seems to all fit into the weekends. The next poster is looking forward to plenty of smoked salmon tomorrow.
No, you go ahead. The next poster is scheduled to have hot, fresh cinnamon rolls and caramel rolls ready for the family at 8am Christmas morning.... oh, Yay!
Nah, with any luck I'll still be asleep at 8am. But I hear there'll be ham AND turkey.... The next poster probably should've gone to bed earlier in Xmas Eve. Is there such thing as too much vodka?????
Nope, no straight lines here. The next poster is heading out to spend Christmas day bagging first tracks on a couple inches of freshies.
Nope. I'm heading out with the dog to bag some nice Prime Rib and presents and the parents' house. The next poster is going to kick back and watch a lot of TV today and probably eat too many goodies of various food groups.
Well... I took photos of a Christmas gift. The next poster has way too much sugary goodies in her house... HELP! THEY ARE CALLING MY NAME! AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!