ok guys i dont think im suppose to post this topic on this category but i couldnt find a better category to post this problem on...so i chose other cars. i own a nissan sentra pretty old da 1999 version and last night goin home back to SF switching from 880 to i-80. however when i was on 880 i saw two splits...on my right side the sign on top says SAN FRANCISCO and the lanes on the left have no signs above them so common sense i took the one where it says SAN FRANCISCO however soon i notice that on the left side it takes u to the toll boothes to get on i-80 bay bridge BUT i used da one on the right side which took me to the buses only lanes (the far right 2 lanes) and the boothes were closed...no lights on whatsoever. it was around 2am-3am. i saw a CHP busying with another car probably giving that person a ticket...and i crossed the boothes widout payin since no one was there and the boothes are closed based on their lights are turned off. my question is...am i gonna receive a ticket that cost like 341 dollars thru mail? because i read about the violation of hov/carpool lane and it says if i used it by mistake its subject to CHP however i was not stopped...and didnt hear any beep sounds...am i still gonna get the ticket? or did i get lucky? i know u get a ticket thru mail if u cross fasttrak whenu dont have an account there and it cost around 30 penalty...any1 knows wats gonna happen? thx for replies.
i posted on dis forum because i saw some1 posted something somewhat similar but dat person owns a prius...i just wanna know wat u guys think about this situation like chances of me receiving a big fat ticket...or just a 30 bucks penalty...
That's going to depend on what they have on the bridge. If they use cameras that take your pic with your car's license plate and they can prove you didn't pay, then you may be liable to some sort of ticket. I guess you'll have to sweat out the 30 days and check the mail every day.
I think they only fine Nissan drivers for not paying the toll so you should be fine ... oh ... what's that? It's a what? A Nissan? Oh, in that case it might pay to start saving up for the fine. I trust you were on your way to school, work hard at school it will help you as an adult. English is a very important subject and computer skills too. There is a spell checker in the top right of the text frame.
There are a few things I don't understand here. First, which part(s) of the American school system failed you? Second, the fact that you were driving on an interstate and blew through a toll is car independent. Therefore, you could have posted in any any off-topic forum and simply not mentioned what kind of car you have. The fact that it's a 1999 model. So what? Thirdly, give it time. If a ticket shows up in the mail, deal with it. If it doesn't, you got lucky.
If you weren't paying attention and took a wrong lane-split, there's very little this or any other forum can do to help you. If you believe that the highway was badly labeled so as to be confusing by omission or malicious intent, take it up with the highway department and have them make it clearer. . _H*
I am convinced that you should be able to articulate a normal converstation in order to get a drivers license. Is this really a person me want next to use on the highways?
So it looks to me as though you saw the first sign and then the second. Since the first one clearly says "video enforced" and the second one clearly says "buses only" and has a black diamond, I would say that you have a good chance of being videoed driving through a buses only toll booth. Big deal. If they want to pursue it, they'll mail you a ticket and you pay it.
My guess is that you will get a ticket for about $80 with a picture of your vehicle tail attached showing the license plate. (personal experience on 84 bridge) I don't blame you for the confusion. Those signs are confusing and they expect the 1st timers to make split-second decision correctly.
Come on guys, lighten up! A little bit of creative spelling is hardly reason to jump down someone's throat. We've seen some really dreadful writing among regulars here. Hellrising actually expresses himself or herself quite well. Minimalist spelling is not my bag, but someone who does it with as much obvious joy as hellrising does deserves a good deal of slack. I quite enjoyed reading his/her post. I have no idea what the answer to the question is. But I do know that highway signage is not always clear. Best of luck on the ticket.
What is the hurry? Seriously, I don't remember how long it took in my case. Probably about a month or so.
because im leaving town soon...by the way do u think my ticket is gonna be like...couple hundred dollars? is there a chance where i wont be receiving a ticket since the toll boothe lights on my side were all shut off at that time? i asked this because i read about violating the hov/carpool lanes are subject to CHP and it didnt say anything about taking pictures and stuff. it was said that a picture is taken of ur car if u used the fasttrak lane by mistake not the hov/carpool lanes.