,0,5215306.story?coll=la-home-center Question is how much money do corporations make from this stuff? Is it the same stuff in our toothpaste? How much would it cost corporations to dispose of it? Question is, how high? Interesting article. I don't have an opinion one way or the other.
The levels are low, there's no evidence of harm. And clearly it's not a waste product. Lack of floridation, OTOH, leads to significant dental problems, particularly in young children unless they are prescribed and given supplemental floride even before their teeth erupt. Adults, usually, brush with floridated toothpaste and it's not an issue either way.
Given the choice, I'd take pure, clean water straight out of the creek, nowhere near a mine. No flouride, no chlorine...pretty much impossible to find anywhere near a city, though.
i have heard of the scare stories over fluoride as well. now my SO who is a bit younger than me had a sealant applied to her teeth starting at age 5 until about 10. now i have never heard of that but they say it prevents cavities. now they first started applying this stuff on her baby teeth but her dentist claimed that if her baby teeth rotted, the adult ones would too. well the sealant works so well (that and her parents did not allow her a lot of sugary foods) that all her baby teeth had to be pulled but as far as fluoride goes, i have to look at my parents who both lost their teeth very early and the siblings they created. there were 3 of us, none had cavities, braces, nothing... dont know if fluoride was in the picture...but something sure changed
If we're going to post propaganda... If the link you provided is proof of anything Rae it's the power of a few people with an agenda to spread their views to the masses via the internet. There are people claiming some agenda by the ADA to abuse their power and force the flouride on people. If that doesn't make you say "hmmm, why would the ADA do such a thing...what do they have to gain?" it should. If you start seeing conspiracies behind every corner you won't trust anything or anyone. Go to the NLM web site and search for actual research on flouride done by actual scientists and study the raw data for yourself. Don't believe a web site like the one you linked to and take their word. Would you do that for a site that says GW is a fraud?
Evan, I'm new to this contoversy but is there any data concerning the release of flouride into watersheds and the effects on the biotic community? I would assume that flouride concentrations are monitored for human consumption but those same levels could be deleterious to other (likely smaller) organisms. I'm not trying to jump to conclusions here but our track record for such things is fairly poor.
So it is said. Is there scientific proof that fluoridating water provides a significant improvement to dental health compared to just brushing 2-3 times a day with fluoridated toothpaste. Just as thinking exercise, any speculation on why the Europeans(who typically do the socially responsible and best for the welfare of all thingy) don't fluoridate their water? From the same LA times ariticle: German Federal Republic (1952-1971) Sweden (1952-1971) Netherlands (1953-1976) Czechoslovakia (1955-1990) German Democratic Republic (1959-1990) Soviet Union (1960-1990) Finland (1959-1993) Japan (1952-1972)[4] We generally approve of their policies on energy, conservation, healthcare. Is there any merit in inquiring why they stopped mass fluoridation?
My mom was raised before the fluoride era. She has dreadful teeth and has had to have lots of painful and expensive dental work. I was raised during the fluoride era and have had only 3 or 4 cavities in my life. I'll take the fluoride, thank you. As far as drinking water, however, tap water in most locations tastes so bad that I use a Brita water filter to remove the taste. I don't know, or care, if it also removes fluoride, since I brush with fluoridated toothpaste.
The dyes in your clothing and PVCs in your food plastic wrap are more dangerous than trace amounts of flouride.
I knew someone who was administered a tetanus vaccine after he had suffered a dirty wound. For the next year he had extreme fatigue, body aches, and was so disabled he could not work. His general physician and several specialists were puzzled and basically doubted his claims. That didn't stop him from doing his own internet research which lead him to a toxicologist who diagnosed him with mercury toxicity. The does of thimerosol (mercury preservative) in the tetanus vaccine was the does that pushed him over the edge. After receiving treatment to eliminate the mercury, his symptoms resolved. The point is. Most people tolerate the low doses of mercury in vaccinations. Not all do. This might be true for fluoride. Perhaps that's why the Europeans have basically eliminated it.
Nuh uh! They eliminated because they're trying to do what is right for the people! It is the evil American government and it's corporations that are using our drinking supply to dump their left over chemicals into!
I vote include fluoride. My wife is from the country using rain and bore water while I am from the city where we had fluoride in the water from when I was very young. Although I have a few cavities filled my teeth are pretty good, both my parents have false teeth and had them as long ago as I can remember so it isn't that I have a genetic advantage. We have spent thousands on my wife's teeth with veneers and repairs, they just don't seem as strong as my city boy teeth. My son(city boy) has no cavities at 15. When you read about the danger of ingredients in fillings could fluoride be a safer option? I filter my tap water but I make sure I use a filter that allows fluoride through. I don't like that the fluoride is in water used on gardens and in industry. Only a very small portion of town water is actually used for drinking.
I can second that Daniel, I grew up on a farm drinking well water that was not fluoridated, I too have absoutly horrible teeth. I heard that the inventor of the toothbrush was raised on non fluoridated water, anyone else would have named it a Teethbrush.
i'm the first generation that grew up in the city, and i'm also the first generation to have nice teeth... neither of my grandparents have ANY real teeth left, my mom's are in very poor condition (she moved to town in her 20s), and my uncle has had a number of rotten teeth.
I didn't think it was possible to eliminate mercury that has already settled into the body. For this reason I am suspicious of the above anecdote. Mercury is a common environmental pollutant, and if there was a way to reduce my load of mercury I'd love to know about it. I think we all would. Further, I think the effects of mercury toxicity are gradual. I don't think there's a tipping point. It just gets gradually worse and worse. I don't think the amount in a vaccine would tip someone over the edge from good health to incapacitated. Is there more or less mercury in one dose of a vaccine than in a can of tuna fish? Any of our medical people care to weigh in on whether a tiny amount of mercury could tip someone over the edge as burritos describes above?
Mecury Chelation is what you want to google. DMSA is the most common chelation agent used for Mercury, there are a bunch of experiemental/snake oil/junk science treatments around the net mostly in the autism arena. But mercury can be chelated. What isn't certain is whether the chelation will undo existing neurologic damage.