Yeah, I gotta cut that out. The next poster thinks 'perspicacious sesquipedalian' would be a perfect title, but it doesn't fit. C'mon, it's only two words long.
Thank you, no, I eschew obfustication. The next poster is addicted to cheezy sci-fi TV shows and movies...
Sci-fi, yes, but preferably not cheesy. The next poster is completely, totally ready for Christmas. (I said the next poster.)
Nope. Ate in. BUT I grocery shopped for food for others. Staff potluck tomorrow and party snacks for my library students for the Holiday season. The next poster isn't going to decorate for the holidays because the house is still a mess and no one comes to visit anyway so who's to know?
Too late, I already did. Put up the biggest Christmas tree ever! And one of my sisters drove over here while I was at work and decorated my front porch and my mailbox with pretty red boys and evergreen swags. Thanks Deb! The next poster is happy that they can post again (thank you Danny)
Yes indeedy. The next poster ISN'T happy that this poster can post again. (oops--wrong thread...) (Thanks Danny...)
Not sure, since this poster is all confused. The next poster has some Christmas cards that still need to go out.
No, not sending any cards. The next poster cannot see page 390 of this thread (it jumps from 389 to 391) and wonders if anyone saw Michgal007's last post on this thread with a photo of her Prius.
i can see it, but for me it's page 98. (in case you're i have my board settings listing 40 posts per page) the next poster has very sore thumbs from opening and closing a few hundred microcentrifuge tubes today.
Nope. The next poster has just realized how horrible their handwriting has become, due to never using handwriting anymore.
Nah, it's always been bad. The next poster is very much looking forward to starting their Christmas holiday tomorrow.
Lucky! No...I don't start mine until Christmas day itself. But then I get nine days off so it's worth waiting for. The next poster is all tied up in function pointers.
Nope, no stray function pointers lurking around here waiting for an unsuspecting victim. The only thing I get tied up with are errant o-scope probes. The next poster needs to change their oil this weekend. Before: After:
Hey, now there's a good idea. The next poster made a wonderful spicy soup for supper to clear their head.
Partly. I do feel drained, but I think I know why. (and Michgal, I do see page 390 okay) The next poster had a fantastic home cooked meal today (at work).