With the help of Tideland Prius, I made this splash screen for my Nuvi and it came out pretty good. I am sharing it so others can use it. Pic of my Nuvi: Startup screen (480x212): In the Nuvi, from the Picture Viewer, you can set it as a Startup pic. Enjoy!
Is this any different than uploading other photographs (or images) to the Nuvi? I just bought one as a Christmas present, and I'm wondering whether I could pre-load some photos and/or put one special photo in as a splash screen.
Nope, no difference. I just connected my Nuvi with a SD card inserted. I copied the pic into the SD card's 'Picture' folder. Viewed it in the Nuvi and touched the check box to make it to display during the start up.
You can copy directly into Nuvi's internal memory. Create a 'Pictures' folder at the root directory and copy it in there. So, you'll have: [Garmin] [Pictures] autorun.inf
Oh yes! I can imagine getting a Nuvi as a Christmas gift ... turning it on for the first time and seeing the Hybrid Synergy Drive.
got a question, Im thinking of getting the nuvi 200 do you have any gripes with it? im trying to decided between it and the tomtom one
If you're ever going for the TomTom ONE, ask me first. Right now there are so many versions, it's not even funny (it's almost like Sony throwing 5 different versions of the same TV). Choose the wrong one (no pun intended) and you'll get a sour experience. Choose the right one and you'll be as happy as I am.
I am not familiar with Nuvi 200 but http://www.gpsmagazine.com/ has other models review in detail. A friend of mine bought TomTom One XL about at the same time as my Nuvi 250w. The map did not have the small service road he lives at. The routing engine is a little 'weird' as I am used to Google and Yahoo maps. Garmin GPS has basically the same routing engine as Google and Yahoo maps according to the reviews. TomTom's screen update faster than my Nuvi. After I updated the firmware, my screen updates (frame per second) twice as fast but not as fast as TomTom One XL. I am happy with my Nuvi 250W as my second GPS. My first was Lowerance 350C and it's GPS chip was not so accurate.
Also, TomTom and Google Maps teamed up. You can now find a business on Google Maps, locate it, then send it to your TomTom. You then have 3 choices - navigate there, save it as a favourite or view it on the TT map.
I'm not surprised. TomToms (and Mio Digiwalkers) in the US use inferior TeleAtlas maps. Garmins and Magellans in the US Navteq maps. See http://priuschat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38431#entry522579 as to why I steered clear of all units w/TeleAtlas maps.
That may be true 2 years ago. On my recent california trip, I plotted a route from Palo Alto to Las Vegas. Google Maps told me it was 8½ hours to get there. My TomTom said it was 10½ hours. I was shocked at the difference in time. 2 hours is a big difference and would basically mean whether we have dinner at a normal time and then walk the strip or just eat dinner, rest for a while then sleep. I checked the route for each of them and they both had the same route so the distance is the same. Our actual trip time was 9½ hours including a 1 hour lunch break. Before you jump and say Google was right because 8½ + 1 = 9½ hours, we were not doing the speed limit. Had it we done it, it might've been closer to TomTom's time of 10½ hours. So the maps are the same (Google using Navteq and TT using TeleAtlas) but the software is obviously different because the ETAs are different.
Nuvi 680 Owner - Incredible product! I pre-ordered the 680 before it was available in stores earlier this year and although I've always felt it was a little wimpy to buy a gps devoted to only car navigation (I'm a diehard handheld user) but I'll tell you, I've certainly changed my mind since giving this one a try. SD card lets me download audible books (3 loaded now) (I'm not into pictures too much) and I still have plenty of memory remaining. I sync my Razr cell phone to the Bluetooth feature for safety and the convenience of push button calling. The sound coming from the Nuvi speakers is excellent. The MSN data may take time to update and load and does need to be used about every 3 days to keep current but that isn't inconvenient at all. I'm recently retired so not on the road for lengthy trips too much but still use the MSN feedback for gas prices, traffic jams, etc. On a day to day basis, it is extremely useful. Screen is bright and clear. Sound excellent. The ability to look up something and then call right from the Nuvi is fantastic. The unit is a tight, clean design and easily taken along. I put it into pedestrian mode to see how it would track me as I walked through a town near me and it was very good so I can see it as handy for walking around places on vacations. If using it that way though, the one thing you need to be mindful of is that it is street based mapping ... you won't get a clear location coordinate to view if walking in the woods, etc. it can't pin point your location like a hand held does but then you shouldn't expect that from a car navigation system to begin with. The fact that you can pick up data irregardless of what part of the country you are driving through is fantastic. As I said earlier, I've always been a devoted handheld user (geology is my hobby) and I've already got a new Garmin GPSMAP60CSx which is outstanding but I am very happy I decided to give the Nuvi 680 a try because I can't do without either these days. The other Nuvi models are probably equally as solid and reliable. The only drawback I've found it that the map/verbal directions gets messed up sometimes when it comes to one way streets. I'm on a highway with a cement divider that only allows cross traffic turning at intersections but the unit keeps telling me to turn anyway even when no street is there. Since no mapping software can be 100% accurate, you must still have a sense of where you are going. Twice I've found it wanted to take me in wierd directions (set to fastest route) but I knew another way was faster so just drove closer to that faster road and it then recalculated easily and I was on my way. Excellent Garmin product but never, never, never leave it or any evidence of having one in your car....its the #1 item stolen in this area. I've a REI mesh bag and when I leave the car, the whole package leaves with me. All that remains is the single disk it attaches to. If you want the MSN unit which requires using the included power adapter and don't want to leave the disk showing on your dash, then I'd suggest finding a lower location in your car...I set the base in my cup holder (a vent attachment doesn't accommodate the MSN cable base so only use when battery is fully charged) I'm not trying to be paranoid about it being stolen but I'm in Chicago and sometimes have to drive through questionable areas and I don't want the unit visible to people outside when the car is stopped. When on the road, that's just not an issue. Get one! Great product!
Google Maps online used to be pretty optimistic about its time estimates. I can safely say that its estimates for the time in traffic are WAY too low for the SF Bay Area. As for TeleAtlas vs. Navteq routes, I confirmed the San Jose Fry's to SF route on my Garmin Nuvi 350 and what TomToms give w/someone w/current firmware and maps. As expected, the route given by the TomTom was crap.
Wouldn't know. I used TomTom Traffic lol. It was dead on for LA morning rush hour and gives more than just green/yellow/red on Google Maps. Yeah well that's not TeleAtlas' fault then. It's TomTom's routing software, no? Unless we can find Navteq maps to put into a TomTom and have it route it.
I have the Nuvi 660 paid 399 for it brand new on Black Friday (hellova deal ) And although im still getting to know all it does , i love it. I like the built in Bluetooth and the fact that it can play through the cars stereo by just tuning in a certain station. Ive already downloaded new vehicle looks from the internet and added "traffic" to it. 60 bucks a year but worth it to me because i live in Chicago and put 200 miles on the prius every day.