Yes... that does irritate me. The next poster took pictures of their youngest child last night in her first car.
Yes. I really dislike that. I make it a policy now not to force myself to come in to work when I feel like I'm coming down with something. Those bugs can take out half an office in under a week sometimes. I picked one up last week. Fortunately, a very mild one. The next poster is feeling more and more guilty for putting something off that needs to be done.
Damn! Too slow to respond to galaxee.... YES! I'm not to fond of them at any time in fact.... And, just to reiterate... The next poster is feeling more and more guilty for putting something off that needs to be done.
No. Not guilty, but annoyed because the boss is keep changing a meeting time which messes my experiment schedules. The next poster is a wuss when it comes to driving in the snow, so he/she went grocery shopping yesterday and stocked up food for a few weeks.
No, I'm not usually a wuss driving in snow but the Prius has transformed me. This car really stinks in snow. The next poster finds themselves taking long walks in crappy, sleeting weather just to get out of the house.
No, seems like I'm not home enough as it is. Next poster saw their neighbor walking the dog this morning, with the pet cat walking along behing them! (Elliott, you are too cute--El is the cat who thinks he's a dog)
nope, nothing like that! the next poster knows they have a long day tomorrow, has been up since early this morning, and still isn't thinking of going to bed yet.
Yes, I should have gone to bed 2 hrs ago but had too much to do...again. I'm not going to be worth a darn tomorrow... The next poster has been too busy to exercise and really needs to get some outdoor time.
To busy to exercise. Too busy to clean. Too busy for yard work. And I do need to get some outdoor time pulling weeds, turning dirt, cleaning up, etc. The next poster is on their own tomorrow at work due to absence of right hand go to coworker.
Yes but it's been that way for awhile now. We're going through a "lean" phase in terms of employee retention right now. The next poster had a very disturbing dream last night in which Sonny and Cher Bono from the 70s were singing a "love" song written for their dog.
Oh my... no. That sounded more like a nightmare than a dream moxie! The next poster has quite the imagination and is glad for it.
nope, our local weather report says 80 for tomorrows temp (just like today!) The next poster is just plain tired!
Well... no, not really, I got lots of sleep during the power outage! (what else is there to do, really?) The next poster is really thankful for lights, heat, and hot water
Yes! and food in the fridge. The next poster is too pooped to post (except for this one). Going to sleep now.
Naw; I am catching up. The next poster now has seven computers in his/her house; five Apples, two Vista Home Premium; one a Sony Vaio Laptop, the other a HP Slimline Pavilion.
No. Three. My roomie's Mac, my old HP Pavilion and my new(er) HP Pavilion. The next poster is surprised that it's 0 F outside (according to and he/she didn't feel it coming to lab today.