Imagine that (some time) prior to driving anywhere you would (should/must?) submit information to the local/regional RideSharing service saying when and where you intend to go and how many seats you have available for sharing. This could be done online through a web or WAP service, or simply by sending an SMS text message ( The latter method would be facilitated partly by the mobile phone network knowing your current location and partly by defining codes for your most common destinations in your user profile. The RideSharing service would use this information to match with requests submitted, just the same way, by people who need a ride. Whenever a suitable match is found, the service would send an SMS to each party giving the point and time of rendezvous as well as the phone number of the other party. If you should ignore this message, the network would detect this (assuming you carry your phone with you) and, as a minimum, inform the other party. The passengers would of course pay for the service and as for driver participation, that could be encouraged in several ways, direct conpensation, road pricing, etc. Needless to say that considerable revenue is also possible for the operator or local government. I'm sure there are many problems with such a service, but if it were to succeed it could potentially cut traffic in half, give or take. Reduce congestion dramatically. And double your passenger mileage. What would it take to make it happen ?
I don't know how many people would use it, but it certainly could work. DH and I carpool, we drop the 3 kids off at day care and then drive 20 miles in to work. Our routine changed, we used to drop our kids off only 2 miles from work, so we didn't have an empty seat. I realized that now I have space for two adults in the back. I know that two of my colleagues take the bus home, and they are along my route. I could easily drop them off on my way to pick up the kids. Now that would be a carpooling dream - drive the Prius, drop off the kids, pick up the colleagues, drop off the husband, drive with the colleagues to pick up the husband, drop off the colleagues, pick up the kids...that would be squeezing every single bit of efficiency out of the car, wouldn't it? And if they gave me gas money, all the better.
Here in Northern Virginia/Washington DC they have "slugging." I don't know who started it or how it came about, but here's how it works: there are designated pick-up places called slug lines at various public parking lots in NoVA during the morning rush hour. People who want a ride to the Pentagon or into DC wait on the slug lines, and people driving alone who want to use the HOV lanes stop at the slug lines and pick up riders. During the afternoon rush, the slugs line up at various locations in DC and at the Pentagon, and drivers pick them up and take them back to the morning slug line areas. So all these total strangers get together everyday for ad-hoc carpooling. As far as I know, DC is the only city where this is done. I've never tried it, due to lack of need and also I'm not comfortable getting into a car with a stranger. But my understanding is that it works very well and there have not been any problems regarding crimes or anything.
On the topic of Virginia, carpooling and HOV lanes, I've heard their legislators actually allow solo stickers for ANY hybrid ... even if it's a gas guzzler like the old Silverado pickups or the 400hp Lexus? Please tell me it's not true.
They have that in the SF Bay Area, where it is simply called "Casual Car Pool." See It works very much the same as you've described it. I've never personally taken part, but my brother does it most days of the week.
According to the VDOT website, the list of clean fuel vehicles that qualify for the current HOV exemption is: Toyota Prius Honda Insight Honda Civic 2005 Ford Escape 2006 Ford Escape 2006 Toyota Highlander 2006 Lexus RX400 2006 Mercury Mariner 2006 Honda Accord 2007 Toyota Camry 2007 Lexus GS450h 2007 Ford Escape 2007 Mercury Mariner 2007 Honda Accord 2007 Toyota Highlander Complete list of rules and FAQs is here:
I used to really dislike the rx400h until I found out how low its emissions are (ignoring CO2 of course). Its actually lower per mile than the Prius. Its still pretty excessive and wasteful, but at least its pretty clean. Some interesting numbers (g/mi): Car---------- NOx --- CO ---- HC-NM+NOx-COMP 2007 Prius---- 0.01 -- 0.1 ------ 0.03 2007 RX400h- 0.01 --- 0 ------- 0.02 2007 Civic Hy- 0.01--- 0.4 ----- 0.01 2007 Escape H 0.01 -- 0.1 ----- 0.01 2007 Vue Hy-- 0.04 -- 2.4 ----- 0.05 2006 Jetta TDI 0.31 --0.04 ---- 0.748 2008 Toureg TD 0.57- 0.08 ---- 1.221 Data From Annual Certification Test Results & Data | Cars and Light Trucks | US EPA Rob
Since VDOT refers to "clean fuel vehicles" instead of "hybrids," I assume they are focused more on emissions than mpg.