Toyota has now released version 07.1 for all navigation generations. The suggested retail price of $250.00 has carried over. As in previous years I offer a discount to all PC members. The price will be $220.00 plus UPS Ground shipping (where available or 2nd Day Air where unavailable). I am unable to stock disks so there will be a lead time to your door. I would ask for patience as the time fluctuates depending on demand. Best case scenario is 2 weeks total time to your door. Worst case, well who knows ! If you are interested please give me a call at the number below and have your model year, shipping information and credit card information ready. I will also be available to answer any questions whether you are ready to purchase or not. Well I hate to do this, but I really have no choice. The $220.00 is as of 12/20/07 no more. The freight charges from Toyota have been increasing as of late. They are charging more and more just to get them to my door. I will keep a discount to the PC faithful but it will now be $229.00. Thank you all for your understanding.
The last couple of years, the rule apparently was "If you see it on Google Maps, you'll see it on the Toyota NAV disk". Does that rule still seem to apply?...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mikepaul @ Nov 1 2007, 09:26 AM) [snapback]533345[/snapback]</div> That is a good question, but a hard one for me to answer. I am not sure if it is intentional or not but Toyota provides little to no support to dealers in relation to content. We cannot find out what has been added since the previous version and cannot find out if certain mistakes have been corrected or not. Since the disks are not ordered like parts and do not come from parts distribution center we are unable to contact our parts support department to ask questions. I wish that I was able to offer more help than that.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(neil kraft @ Nov 1 2007, 11:35 AM) [snapback]533485[/snapback]</div> IIRC, on my 2005, pressing MENU will have a DVD Info button in the upper right hand corner. Press that to find out the version. In any case, the DVD goes in the player, which is under the driver's seat.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Metro @ Nov 1 2007, 09:23 AM) [snapback]533342[/snapback]</div> Does 7.1 get rid of having to press the I agree button when first using the Navigation?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ds_1910 @ Nov 1 2007, 04:13 PM) [snapback]533601[/snapback]</div> According to posts on another thread, yes. --> Only you can decide if that is worth $220 :mellow:
Sonny. That post does not confirm that the '08 DVD will remove the "I agree" button on older Priui'. It only confirms that the'08 Priui do not have the "I agree" button. Whether it is due to the new DVD version or something in the new hardware, we don't know.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Winston @ Nov 2 2007, 08:15 AM) [snapback]533873[/snapback]</div> It is a reasonable inference. And while speculative, I think it is safe to say that software, and not hardware, is responsible for the change.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(uclabruins @ Nov 8 2007, 01:03 PM) [snapback]536755[/snapback]</div> Your Prius can tell you, as outlined above. There's a soft button in the Navi screens somewhere with DVD info.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Nov 8 2007, 12:12 PM) [snapback]536762[/snapback]</div> I know this may be a silly question, but here goes...haha. I have a 2005 Prius and I am interested in looking into the update. However, I am curious about quality. I noticed the newer prius (2006 and above) had better looking screen graphics. The phone menus, nav menus look sharper and cleaner. Is this due to a newer screen or the nav version?! I'm sure it's due to a better/newer nav screen. Anyhow, thank you for your time Feedback is appreciated
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(prplrain68 @ Nov 8 2007, 02:50 PM) [snapback]536917[/snapback]</div> It's the screen. Just make sure you tell them (when you order your disc) that it's for a 2005 Prius. Apparently, there's a difference (at least in the serial no.) btwn the standard resolution and the higher resolution screen and the disc they accept.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Metro @ Nov 1 2007, 08:54 AM) [snapback]533353[/snapback]</div> I think I can answer that at least in part. As a home visit nurse, I was really excited to get a NAV center in my new Prius. I drive from home to home all day long every day. I would spend considerable time the evening before my visits, mapping one home to the next, it was really quite time consuming. I used Google and was always able to map my visits. So when I bought my car I was ecstatic that I no longer had to do my night before map making. My first day in my new car my Nav could not find 3 out of my 7 visits. Yesterday, it couldn't find 2 of 3. I'm right back where I started, since I don't know which address my Nav will be able to find, I still have to make maps for all my visits. Took the wind right out of my sails. And its not just new addresses or new sub divisions. My Nav routinely tells me the address doesn't exist on the street I'm looking for, even tho its an old neighborhood. I've been able to find EVERYTHING in google maps that my Nav can't find. My prius is an 07, my home was built in 04 and my Nav can't find it either. Very dissapointing. I should not have to worry about getting a new version already. I feel a little ripped off actually.
To be honest, Toyota puts the DVD together using maps provided by Navteq. My road with built in 1998, and my house was in the wrong place, the street has been completely wrong for 9 years. I thought over the years they would correct it. I came to find out that Navteq does try to correct new places each year, and try to update new roads, business, etc, but they rely a lot on users sending them information on showing that the information they have is incorrect. After finding out about their website, I submitted in April 06 the problems in my area and they corrected in their new map updates. Navteq updates their maps, then offer them to each company. Should Toyota explain what has been updated on their disk? Yes!! Somewhere they should have in writing what has been updated. They should also lower their price for the update. But because we bought the Navigation system, we are stuck. We have no choice, either pay for the update or stay with what we have. I saw on the history channel how Mapping companies actually get their information, and it is not a perfect science. The best way to find out what is in the new update is to go to the Toyota dealership, ask if you can try out a car that has the new update and enter a few addresses. If you have already bought from that dealership, and you talk to the person you dealt with, the should be able to arrange it. By the way, here is the website for you to report what missing in your area to Navteq.
Does anyone know the part number is for the 5th Generation v7.1 data disc (i.e. 2006-2008 model years)? Last time I tried calling my dealer, the parts department said their policy is not to give part numbers over the phone (or in person, I imagine). :angry: Thanks...
I'm confused, $220 is supposed to be a good deal for mapping software? I'm not bashing you Metro I know Toyota sets the pricing but come on. In this day and ago mapping software is so cheap that there is no reason Toyota has to keep over charging their customers. Especially since Toyota's NAV system doesn't have many features handheld less expensive GPS units come with.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rest @ Nov 12 2007, 04:25 PM) [snapback]538574[/snapback]</div> Sadly, that is the price of OEM disc updates, and is actually a decent price compared to what the dealers charge... given the increased popularity of portable units, hopefully the update disc pricing on OEM systems start to come down to stay competitive... but I'm not holding my breath. <_<
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Atwork @ Nov 9 2007, 11:35 AM) [snapback]537354[/snapback]</div> Since you're in AZ you're more than welcome to meet up with me and try my 7.1 disk that came in my '08 to see if the addresses look any better. Heck, I'd say I'd burn you a copy of the DVD but that would be illegal and I'd never agree to such a thing in a public forum as that would be wrong.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ds_1910 @ Nov 1 2007, 06:13 PM) [snapback]533601[/snapback]</div> I got my 7.1 update from Metropolitan last night ($220 + $6.36 shipping). The answer to the "I agree" button going away is definitely YES. I have an early 2006, so this upgrade took me from 5.1 to 7.1. I also have the ULTIMATE LOCKPICK from Coastal. It doesn't seem to have any problem with "I agree" being gone. The bluetooth phone functions are still unlocked when moving and the "push pin" added button is still there on the destination screen to enable NAV destination setting while moving. I only played with it briefly on my 15 minute drive to work this morning, so I cannot comment on changes to the data for finding addresses or POI coverage. The coverage on the eastern seaboard and Michigan where I have used it the most has always seemed very good - I have never had an address that I wanted as a destination missing from the database. One thing I did note: they screwed up the "AM" voice command again. In early 2006's, "AM" would be recognized, but nothing would happen. This was fixed after the first month or two of shipments - a later NAV DVD from that year did not have the problem. With the new 7.1 disc, saying "AM" now gets a response that says "Radio mode" and the audio system switches to the FM1 mode on my car. I suspect it goes to whatever you were last using on the radio and that would be FM1 with my listening habits. If you are listening to a station under FM1, saying "AM" gets the "radio mode" response, and nothing changes. So much for quality control. - Tom