<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tyrin @ May 19 2007, 11:56 PM) [snapback]445962[/snapback]</div> Those statistics do include criminals who use firearms in the commission of a crime, and I really don't care if they shoot each other. I think swimming pools and doctors are sad, as they are some of the leading causes of death for young children. People with concealed firearm licenses are less likely to commit crime(any crime) or have a firearm accident than almost any other demographic, including police officers. In FL alone, of all the hundreds of thousands of people who have received concealed carrying licenses, over almost 20 years, only a dozen or so have committed a crime that would revoke their license, and those crimes didn't neccesarily use the firearm. I would never leave my firearm in my car. It is either on my person, or at home. Nevermind the fact that areas that ban firearms or severely restrict their ownership are some of the most violent places in America. Gun control is not rooted in safety, it is rooted in control.
In every state that has passed concealed carry legislation, crime has gone down. Those are the facts. Become a victim of crime and you will change your tune about how sad it is that people carry guns. I would rather be sad than dead. If you don't believe me, just as one of our state representatives in Cleveland that was just mugged at gunpoint on his own street in broad daylight. The rep had voted against Ohio's concealed carry law twice and was very anti-gun. But guess what? He and his wife both went and obtained their concealed carry licenses and he now admits that he was wrong about the whole thing. Luckily, he is still alive. I'm not saying that you have to be happy with my right to carry a gun, but I am saying that it is my right and that the Constitution backs me up on this.
Yes, I believe wholeheartedly in my right to keep and arm bears! I agree completely that we should all be able to carry weapons for self defense. If someone's going to illegally obtain firearms, then I firmly believe that I should be able to defend myself from those who illegally obtain them. It is impossible to rid the country of all firearms. On the other hand, gun control works! Ask this person and this person. These people also agree.
I was surprised to see so many armored prius on the road. May be the owner of the battle ready prius considering helping out our troops in Iraq? Hybrid combat vehicle, that's what the government is looking for. :lol: :lol: :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(chinalfr2 @ May 22 2007, 04:10 PM) [snapback]447508[/snapback]</div> I considered up-armoring my Prius, but I think it would have a detrimental effect on my MPG.
Has anyone else installed a chin turret complete with helmet tracking system? I haven't used it on the street, but it made short work of some cardboard dummies!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Les Gas @ May 19 2007, 11:32 PM) [snapback]445954[/snapback]</div> BOB THOSE HAMMERS!!!! Then you would be set -
Keep it in the center console. .40 S&W made by Kahr. Licensed for consealed carry. I've never had to use it, hope I never do. But in todays world, it's better to be safe than sorry.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mpgFanatic @ May 19 2007, 05:20 PM) [snapback]445807[/snapback]</div> Tisk*tisk, just gotta throw the name calling in there..... Whos to say the guy in the 79 datsun with the kerry in 04 bumpersticker isnt branishing his glock 9 at the little old lady on the interstate? really throwing titles in there.... I guess it figures though from the source... <_< I used to keep a tuarus 85c between the seats. I would prefer to carry one of these in the truck. or one of these babies, Thunder shotgun revolver 410.
I always the key word is always carry my AMT 380 in my front pocket and have no problem getting it out, as I tryed it once and thank goodness never had to take it out, and hop to never have to. It is only for emergencys and they have to be a kill or be killed situation.
I always the key word is always carry my AMT 380 in my front pocket and have no problem getting it out, as I tryed it once and thank goodness never had to take it out, and hop to never have to. It is only for emergencys and they have to be a kill or be killed situation.
You silly liberals, in the states most of you live in you've given absolute power to your government and have given up your 2nd amendment rights. You aren't fooling anyone. It isn't smart to advertise where you keep your firearm in your car, nor what kind you carry. Gun safety and all... none of you haven't a clue about gun safety because you're scared nice person parents didn't teach you anything other than "GUNS R BAD MMMKAY?" ... wait this isn't the trolling thread!?
Too bad the gun doesn't know whether you're the one holding it or not, isn't it? If you're lucky enough to have enough time to get hold of the gun, click off the safety, chamber the first round and point it at the bad guy before he can grab it away from you, then you're safe, I guess. If, on the other hand, the bad guy is the lucky one then he gets to shoot you. The inherent weakness to a gun is that it can be used to shoot you, too. You have a lot of fear in you if you need more than one gun and carry them around with you at all times.
I guess I can post here now. I'm taking my concealed weapons class this Saturday December 29th. I have been wanting to take the class for a long time but never got around to it. My brother was selling some of his guns and I decided to buy one. I bought his best 9mm. Its a Norinco 9mm semi auto. Its a little on the big side for me as a concealed weapon so I think I might buy something like a M&P 9mm compact or something like it. I will have to do some research to see what a good one wil be. The 9mm I have now is more of a collectors item than anything else but it works very well. Here is a pic of the Norinco 9mm I found on the web. http://www.armusa.com/UsedGuns/smlpics/Norinco_L213_3.JPG
I have 2 Bersa .380's with 4 seven round clips; a Sig Sauer p229 (in 40 cal) with tac rail and trijicon night sights; a Ruger Mark II target pistol (chambered in .22 LR); a Mossberg 500 persuader with pistol grip; and a Winchester 1400 in 12 gauge. As a former Park Ranger I have held a federal law enforcement certification and I have a concealed carry permit and am licensed to carry in many of the lower 48 (37 i think, but don't hold me to that). I almost all the time will have one of the above with me in the Prius, most times one of the Bersa pistols. I carry a holster, but also keep it in the arm wrest. Yes, safety on and no cartridge in the chamber. I am purchasing an ankle holster for the Bersa's and have also found a holster that fits on the front of the seat, just below the knee. I am a liberal, democrat, vegetarian, tree hugging gun owner. God Bless America.
Too much gun can create problems for you. The heavier the gun, the worse your aim gets with each round. The main reason why the cops use Glocks now is because they're a lot lighter. If I ever get another gun, it'll be a Glock.