... I've heard, everyone who buys one's scared stiff of the thing, that flat-throttling the Elon Musk-mobile, it's like a jackass with a hard-on, just 15 seconds, to it's terminal velocity? People who buy EVs don't know beans about cars: Trump announces he'll buy brand new Tesla to support Elon Musk's 'baby' following boycotts, dropping stock Anyone here ever flat-throttle a Tesla, to its terminal velocity? Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
Maybe if you try English, we could answer. I bought a bolt, and love that you and other republican’s had to pay for part of it. Trunk never pays for anything, so good luck to Leon. I’m not scared of mine, but I’m probably misinterpreting your word salad
Elon Musk claims Tesla will double US production in next two years, let's do the math | Electrek Supply and demand. If there are more and more Teslas they're going to get cheaper and cheaper...... I did a hard 'stare and compare' at the numbers in '23 when I bought my truck, and it was closer than I thought it might be. Personally? I'd LOVE to have one as a beater, and as I have been saying for 10 years now, sooner or later BEV's will reach financial viability and instead of paying people to drive them, dot.gov will start taxing them. I'll take the 2028 Tesla SE version in Red for $20,000, Alex..... (and keep two or three REAL cars for road trips.... )
For all EVs, acceleration to 100 km/hr and top speed are listed here Acceleration of full electric vehicles cheatsheet - EV Database Along with other characteristics. If one wished to know beans about electric cars, this would be the place to look.
I'd like to suggest a new study, unless someone somewhere already has the data cataloged. Orbital Debris How much $ to clean it up? After it's cleaned up, will it slow the trending global temp rise? How much does it currently cost the US to keep track of it all? and finally, what's the estimate for terminal junk myspacebook.
There is only one EV up there All the other bits are compiled somewhere, down to size of a few cm but it is a very long list. Leolabs specializes in near misses, but their main aim is paying customers wanting to avoid conflicts for their money makers up there. US Space Command apparently wants to exit this activity. Tracking debris and space traffic a growing challenge for U.S. military - SpaceNews But one would (maybe) find their costs elsewhere. Re entries of larger bits are here: Reentries Cleanup costs have not yet been scoped, as no tech demonstration has been done yet. "After it's cleaned up, will it slow the trending global temp rise?" This seems a most peculiar question. Some recent work examines atmospheric heating expanding atmosphere and putting more drag on all things in lowest orbits, but that operates in the other direction. Or something. == Anyway we show explore this in a different thread. This one is for EV peeves.
Wow. That's a new one. The idea is that the atmosphere will become less dense as it warms up? There's some kind of funding generator in the AP that states: "The density at 250 miles (400 kilometers) above Earth is decreasing by about 2% a decade and is likely to get intensify as society pumps more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, said Ingrid Cnossen, a space weather scientist at the British Antarctic Survey who was not part of the research." Climate change, already causing problems on Earth, could soon create a mess for orbiting satellites | AP News. Space Weather Scientist? Who knew? I actually had to 'white sheet' this post because 'Bidened it up.' Radiational cooling. Less friction at LEO? ...a PROBLEM? How global warming could threaten satellites, according to new study - ABC News. All this is making my brain itch....so I will wait until this re-emerges in another forum.
I don't think that one is going to be a problem. It's one of the few SpaceX birds that reached orbit without a dynamic deorbiting plan.
or could be a different kinda mobile tesla-motorhome-project/ elon-musk-boxabl-house\ usatoday.com elon-musk-everything-app-explained What is Starlink? How to get the satellite service for free on your phone with T-Mobile, plus everything you need to know | TechRadar and probably five or ten more Isn't satire fun?
Couriously, I agree with you: Full Self Driving - this is how I drive my Tesla. It terrifies the older passengers just as AutoPilot did before. Kids think it is cool. 15 seconds, to terminal velocity - I had my girl friend drive the car up a local benchmark hill, 8% grade 1.2 miles long. Starting from a dead stop, I told her to floor the accelerator to the top. As we were going up the hill, I casually asked her after the first quarter, I asked "How fast are we going?" Her answer "Holly Sh*t! 107 miles per hour!" and she backed off. don't know beans about cars - correct as I've forgotten about oil changes, engine tune-ups, spark plugs, anti-freeze, PVC valves,, catalytic converter thieves, exhaust rusting, gasoline smelling hands, cost of gasoline, and gas shortages. Every 120 VAC outlet is my 'spare' gas can. Late addition, the brake pads don't wear out. Having owned from a Model A Ford, Plymouth 400 CI, VW MicroBus, and Chevette, I'm not going back. I have two EVs, 2019 Tesla Model 3 and 2017 BMW i3-REx. The BMW carries its own charger, a modified motorcycle engine and generator. So when I want to go somewhere, I get in either car and get there, quietly, safely, and cheaply. Bob Wilson
Check eBay motors and you can find some great deals. I bought a 2017 BMW i3-REx with 50,000 miles for $15,000 about a year or so ago in Florida. Then drove it 800 miles home. The week before, I round-tripped my Tesla to inspect it. If I remember correctly, each way cost ~$80 to $90 and the cheapest airline flight, one way, was about $140 with a $20 Uber to the dealer. Bob Wilson
@ 'also rans.' If you're going to get an iPhone - GET an iPhone. I do not buy used cars, and I do not care WHAT Dave Ramsey says about the subject. As a former 'Never Trumper' I learned a harsh lesson about using the word 'never' but let's just say that I do not see myself buying anything from an 'anti-person, person.' This sounds like somebody who isn't very good at critical thinking, and so I'm thinking that they would also not be very good at maintaining a car. I go to church with, work with, and I am related to people who are much better humans than I am. Not really a high bar to clear, actually. However (comma!!!!!!!!) Many of these people I would ABSOLUTELY trust to house sit for me, dog sit, or care for one of my grandchildren - but I would not buy a car from them even if it were half the street price. I tend to buy new, base model cars and keep them for 10-15 years. Some day I might live long enough to buy a new, base model BEV......after all, I already own a golf cart. It will most likely BE a new, base model. YMMV....
Until my last purchase, I did that. Current circumstances demand more comfort due to medical issues & aging, so I paid cash for a 2025 Camry XLE that rides MUCH better than my destroyed 2017 Prius Two or my former 2008 Corolla LE. This may be my last car purchase anyway.
Solid choice. My near nonagenarian mother drives one and I've driven it more than a few times. If I were to drive a sedan it would be on the short list. I like them, but I prefer a CUV SUV or a truck for my needs. I still haul stuff, travel a bit, and like the height advantage.
I liked the fact all 2025 Camry are hybrid, although not as efficient as my former Prius. For hauling, we still have our 2000 Toyota Tundra purchased new. It is the size of the current Tacoma, I think