Are they oily at all? Things to do with valves or valve guides would have been under the valve cover where everything is oily. Another possibility I'm thinking might be fuel rail spacers, but I'd expect those to have some dust/grime.
And there's exactly two did they come in the head gasket set? Are you back together You would be squeezing the ever living goodness out of your injector rail if those weren't in place or you'd have leaks or or or.
When taking stuff off, it’s good to have trays, tubs, bags. Label them all. Array them in order removed. Take copious pics too. I know, hindsight. one ingenious ploy I saw (YouTube video): guy had printed out the Repair Manual timing chain cover pic, the one ID’ing all the bolts and torque values, on what looked like 11”x17” paper, taped it to cardboard, jabbed through-holes at each bolt location, and pushed the bolts into their corresponding positions as he removed them.
I just throw everything in the number 10 what is it called a coffee can You know like Maxwell House it says on it but yeah that's what I thought those are definitely the fuel rail spacers and they need to be there thank God you didn't try to put it together without that has happened before It's kind of hysterical
Back when I was a kid I'd take stuff apart when I got home from school and would get stressed about if I could put it back together or not before my mom got home from school. Back then taking pictures wasn't an option... It's more fun that way!