I am aware of that. That isn’t what I was asking though. It was implied that an exec selling a chunk of stock was a warning signal. So to find out if it really is a red flag, we need to know if this sale was typical for execs as a whole, and this exec in particular. As I understand it, this is a regular occurrence for most execs. If the amount was much higher than normal, it might be worth noting.
Bankruptcy rules are the same - regardless weather the company are a bunch of John bircher's or Marxists
How much truth is there in the story that China has turned on Tesla China is key to Tesla survival, if parts between the US factories and Chinese giga factory cop a tariff each way, I doubt Tesla can remain competitive in the Chinese market place, or in the US. The rest of the world seems to have turned from admiration of tesla and owning one to be a status symbol, to anti Tesla and either dumping their Tesla at a loss, or rebadging it to avoid the backlash T1 Terry
I don’t know that there is much that moves from the US to China. From China to the US is probably just LFP cells. Production of LFP cells is in the process of onshoring, so even that may not be a big issue. I agree, China is a huge help to Tesla, especially as they loose sales Europe and the US. If China decides Tesla has worn out its welcome though, that doesn’t bode well for Tesla at all. If that were to happen I would see a retraction of the permission China regulators gave Tesla to operate FSD in China.
I may never buy an EV, but doesn't Tesla make the best and most out there...with no Dealership BS, free juice for many and set up an interstate charging station infrastructure...that includes quick charging?
Therein lies the irony. Not meant to be a pun, but what Trump's clean energy & "made in the USA"? Destroying capitalism for more & more socialism, even tho it's made this country head Ssoulders above other nations, & supplanting conservative ideology for no borders & drag queen story hour & the like. All good things must come to an end. .
Our Country did not end under President Biden or any other President before him...Left, Right or Center. It will not die under President Trump 2.0 either, regardless what someone chooses for a mode of transportation, who they screw...or why. As per thread topic...I usually steer clear of cyclicals..."especially" transportations. YMMV.
I could be killed in a freak car accident on the way to work tonight as well, but I do not let that very remote possibility control my life...nor do I stop driving cars.
There was an article about Musk not wanting tariffs on graphite from China posted in the tariffs thread. Tesla might have the mineral content of batteries low enough for the incentive, but China is still one of the cheapest sources for the rest.