I am sorry as I am sure this has been discussed multiple times in other threads. I am new to the group. I have recently purchased a 2010 Prius for very cheap as it was running a bit rough. Me and a friend were messing around with it and found out it runs perfectly fine with the egr unplugged. How has this unplug repair held up over time for others? My car is a 2010 with 166k miles on it and I know absolutely nothing about it. All I know that now that the egr is unplugged it seems to run and drive perfectly. I also live in the middle of nowhere so smog tests and emissions aren’t anything I worry about.
You need to get that straightened out sooner than later or just leave it and wait for the head gasket to blow and get out of the car Not sure the condition of the car and what the plan is these are not keepers generally speaking so you don't want to get underwater in the car any kind of way because you'll never get yourself out you'll drown so that's my take on it be very careful with this model or you have plenty of money and plenty of time and nothing to really worry with so it doesn't really matter it would just be something you wanted to do. The EGR and the design of this vehicle is pretty important It's a full flow design has a cooler in the system It is a boon for getting clogged up very quickly most people never clean it this causes cylinder head temperature regularities because your EGR is trying to cool your internal temperature and so on as it's clogging up it can't do so or do so as well causes hot spots on the cylinder head and next thing you know you have a head gasket leak into properly fix that the head should be sent out the valves ground at these kind of miles the head should be shaved and checked for flatness and on and on and on this is a modular built engine or open deck design they are inherently weaker and well may not do as well with the Atkinson running cycle maybe there's some flex things like that don't know don't really care I just don't do it now the same engine with a different head and different cams sitting in a Corolla is quite a different animal.
Keep an eye on the coolant level. If it's dropping, likely the head gasket failing, which tends to be coolant leaking into combustion chamber(s). There's relevant links in my signature, for both EGR cleaning, and head gasket replacement, if it comes to that. (on a phone turn it landscape to see signatures)
Hi Mendel, Am I mistaken or has your title changed recently from witness leader to senior member? I kind of like the "witness leader"! While don't know what it meant, it suited you. Tremendous asset to Prius community, thanks for all your efforts and posts.
It’s an admonishment from judges, towards lawyers who lead witnesses to say things particularly beneficial to that lawyer’s cause.
Disconnecting the EGR valve connector puts the system into emergency mode. Getting used to a constantly lit check engine light can lead to a serious problem going unnoticed until you have to do engine repairs.