As opposed to other 'unmentionables' here in the 'Land of the Free?' Speaking of which...... 47 is going to the Commonwealth of Kentucky - because rabbits must be set free!!!!
I could care less whether a president visits fort knox or not . I do not give him any credit for doing so, or blame the presidents who have not
It will keep the fact checkers busy, and in the end the average American will know a lot more about the place than they do NOW.
I wonder what examinations will be preformed during Ft. Knox site visit. How will success (gold is still there) or failure (gold is not) be determined? This might sound trivial but not to those who have designed qualitative tests. The extreme case would be empty shelves behind the sealed doors I suppose. If there are empties now, would not staff use time available to fill them with something? What would that something be, and how will visitors assess what they are seeing?
Here is how it will go: (see the video link below) The man who got to see the gold inside Fort Knox | Fox Business Video Our Former Govenor did a tour where he did what President Trump will do and this is a recent interview with our former Governor due to the interest in President Trumps possible tour. If you have the patience required to watch and listen this former Govenor did to Kentucky what President Trump and Mr Musk are currently doing to our Federal Government- He evaluated our state government waste and cleaned house - leaving our state with a budget surplus after it was all said and done for the first time in years. Our state is required to carry no debt by state statute. It will require some patience to hear the whole story - the host begins interviewing our former Governor about 1 minute into the video. A very sad tidbit - if you took all the gold the US has currently stored all over the US - it only amounts to 1.2% of our current disgraceful US National Debt.
I dare to suggest that outcomes of this vault visit will be Looks OK Prior Administrations were bad for not making visits A small number of vault guardians can be dismissed, to slightly reduce Federal outlays Total cost of this circus can be suppressed unknown, because transparency is different now.
I would say this isn't pointless but a much welcomed change and a new start - just like: Look at the people's faces and delight in the video in this article that took place yesterday: Trump surprises first White House tour of the year "President Donald Trump surprised guests at the first White House tour of the year Tuesday, drawing a "USA!" chant after thanking them for visiting." "I want to thank you very much for coming. The tour is so great... the First Lady worked very hard in making it perfect and I think you are going to really love it," Trump was heard telling the group in a video shared by the White House. "And I heard you were here and I said ‘let’s stop by and say hello.’"
It is pointless in that a President should have more important things to attend to than taking a trip for just a photo on their part. Flying them, staff, and security to a location is far different than taking detour on the way back from the bathroom at their residence/office.
^ I'm thinking that if Biden can work young, healthy people into the ground while he's taking a nap on the beach, then P47 gets the same grace, -eh? OR as MSM would say......(and DID say) Breaking Down How Much Time Biden Spent on Vacation While President – It's Not 40%
Absolutely. I just don’t see Fort Knox as anything but a photo op, but let me know when he actually accomplishes anything worthwhile
Gee...I was hoping our intellectual betters might proffer an example of exactly HOW you tell that each and every serialized bar could be inspected. I've never given P45/47 much credit for being a deep intellect, but there's NO WAY I WOULD GO NEAR Ft, Knox if I were him!!!!! If anything happens to any of the bars from now until the rapture - HE will get the blame for it by the TDS crowd.