help with brake fluid flush

Discussion in 'Prime Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by hox, Feb 24, 2025.

  1. hox

    hox Junior Member

    Mar 25, 2009
    Portland, OR
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I have a 2020 Prime Limited and encountered an odd thing during my brake fluid flush. I have done fluid flushes on many makes/models but this is the first time trying a flush on my Prime. My first step after disconnecting the 12v battery and pulling the wheels is to use a large syringe to drain the master cylinder reservoir. Usually there is a mesh strainer that you need to remove to allow access to the fluid below. On my Prime I could not see a mesh strainer and there seemed to be a hard plastic piece just a few mm inside the master cylinder. Looking this piece over, I saw no way to remove it so I was left pulling only about 50 ml from the master cylinder. Is there a trick to removing the plastic piece?

    For this flush, I opted just to drain down the master at the first wheel and refill it with fresh fluid till I saw fresh fluid coming out using a vaccuum system, followed by repeating the same thing at each wheel topping off the master with fresh fluid as I went. Brakes feel fine afterwards, but I could have saved a bit of fresh fluid which I needed for my other cars that were in line for the same service that day.

    Thanks for the input !
  2. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Step one (barring use of Techstream) according to Toyota, is to put the car in “invalid mode”. There’s no 12 volt disconnect. It’s also a good idea to have the 12 volt on a charger too, due to protracted time “on” (not full “ready”).

    It sounds like you’re ok though, if brakes feel fine and no warnings/codes.

    there’s some tips in one link in my signature. They’re gen 3 specific but mostly applicable I think (on a phone turn it landscape to see signatures).

    also, I’ve attached gen 4 repair manual excerpt.

    Do check out the link in my signature as well: the Toyota document is very awkward.

    Even stuff like the order to do the four corners: what could be explained in about 10 words (or one picture), takes them about a page.

    Ditto for the invalid mode procedure: @NutzAboutBolts video explains much better, noting the extra brake pedal pushes when shifting to Neutral. And: the parking brake HAS to be on.

    Attached Files:

    #2 Mendel Leisk, Feb 24, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2025