Trump says he’s going to Fort Knox to inspect gold reserves I wish I would have posted it here first, but I was telling somebody JUST the other day that he's going to go down there and do what we squids call a sight inventory. After P47 said he was going there somebody in the drive-by media said without a bit of shame that "we do an audit every year!" AND YET!!!!! According to the Googles: The Fort Knox Bullion Depository was last opened to non-authorized personnel in 2017. The visit was led by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and included Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. iirc - (just guessing - HONEST!!!) There are seals - and logs. If the last signature on the latest seal is dated 2017 - That's NOT REALLY how audits work - eh? Disclosures: I've been to the Fort many times but not 'inside the wire.' I absolutely DO NOT KNOW anybody who has. I would bet all of @bisco's cookies that all of the bars that are s'posed to be there really ARE still there. If they bring cameras inside - some people are going to be surprised at how not-big the place is. -I read somewhere. Yes. It's absolutely a publicity stunt - staged by an energetic dude who is having fun on the job - and guess what????? If the bars (and other stuff) REALLY ARE THERE?????? -what's the harm?
What about authorized personnel? no doubt trunk and munk will steal all the gold, then claim it was empty when they got there
Pretty neat. At Toyota Management School one of the very first principles we were taught was Genchi Genbutsu or Go and See. A good manager doesn't sit in an office and manage - he goes out on the floor constantly and sees the situations firsthand to better grasp the situation and make good decisions. A Manager at Toyota who sat in his office was on borrowed time before he would be working somewhere else other than Toyota. I always admired seeing the current CEO President out on the Manufacturing floor checking on the processes and his workers. It was not unusually at Toyota of Kentucky to be working at your job or having a morning meeting and see the Company President present there. Genchi Genbutsu: A Way to First-Hand Process Observation - "Imagine you’re a business leader faced with a persistent operational issue that’s hurting productivity and customer satisfaction. You’ve pored over reports, analyzed data, and held countless meetings, yet the root cause remains elusive. This disconnect between perception and reality is a common challenge that the Japanese philosophy of “genchi genbutsu” can help overcome. Genchi genbutsu, which literally translates to “go and see for yourself“, is a core principle of the renowned Toyota Production System.": It will be exciting to have President Trump in our state of Kentucky - He is vey well thought of here and quite popular it will be an honor and wonderful to have him in our state- hope he will have time to make some public appearances so people can see him.
Actually.....if the Donkeys were smart all the way around the track, somebody down the food chain should open the vault, break the seal (which probably still has Steve's name on it) and forge Biden's name on a replacement and doctor the seal logs!. Maybe put a Biden '24 Stricker on the inside of the door! Biden is senile - and so he would probably mumble that hell yeah he was there, and he helped load the carts during the count!!!! It would be a brilliant play and make P47 out to be the fool. Of course - somebody besides the guards would have to actually come to work...............
I remember both the '74 and the '17 inspections. The idea that there has been an audit since 1974 (or even 2017) is.......well......fake news. If the Donkeys wanted to be smart for a change they might ask who was POTUS the LAST time that somebody came in and looked.... IIRC - FDR is the only POTUS who has ever actually gone inside - but there were other things in there besides .....just gold at the time. There may STILL be.
Treasury secretary said there are yearly audits, the last Sept 2024. He also said he welcomes any Senator who wishes to visit. Of course no look-ee-loo is going to count anything. That’s what the required audits are for. What this is now is another photo op for the attention seeking elected2024. His base making all kinds of false suppositions doesn’t hurt as a side benefit.
Good! Then when they break the seals on the storage rooms they will be signed and dated in "2024" -right? IF it's a real audit, that is....... OR will be be a little earlier than that? I "believe" that the last comprehensive audit of the depository took place in 1953. NOT 2024. I 'believe' this because In 1974, a handful of journos and Congress Critters were granted a brief tour—an event often mischaracterized as a full inspection. Since then, only routine “vault seal checks” have been conducted, NOT an audit as I understand the meaning of the word. I also believe that all of the bars are still are where they are supposed to be and that.....yes. A POTUS visit is a stunt rather like taking The Beast out on the track at Daytona. I do not like very many things that the current POTUS does but I do admit that it's deeply entertaining when he releases a cage full of rabbits every week for the "media watchdogs" to chase after.....
I have read Fort Knox audits have been to confirm hold purity by spot checks. To avoid the Bisco scenario.
It would be interesting to see how a government that still trucks paper documents into salt mines, uses 10-inch mag reels and 5-1/4 inch floppies, and cannot purge 150-year-olds with SSNs.....would check the purity of gold bars! (Social Security is only 89 bleeding years old btw....!)
" ...cannot purge 150-year-olds with SSNs ..." Are there amounts of money you would wager on this for 1, 100, 10,000 or a million examples? You weakly claim it, but do you betting believe it? I'd bet there are 10, but decimating Govt agencies that (should) address such matters makes any such bets hard to settle. Can one win in a world where winning can't be defined? The statement may persist as untestable and as-if important. I suppose that was the intention.
Yes, the US government really processes retirement paperwork in an underground mine | FOX 32 Chicago Per Social Security Inspector General (2024): IG Reports: Nearly $72 Billion Improperly Paid; Recommended Improvements Go Unimplemented | Office of the Inspector General "$23 billion remains unrecovered Through several audits, Social Security Administration’s Office of the Inspector General made dozens of recommendations for the Agency to prevent improper payments before they occur as well as to detect and correct existing improper payments. However, to date, many of those recommendations remain unimplemented, leading to continued improper payments."
Oh? WHO are the arbiters of truth on this? It's probably easier to get DeepSeek to provide 'facts' about the Tiananmen Massacre or the origin of Covid than it is to get our fact-checkers interested in actually conducting an INDEPENDENT AUDIT into the SS system. No. I do NOT believe that there are millions of people collecting SS benefits illegally......probably, but I DO believe that there is some fat to be cut in the programme, and I also believe that there is an unacceptably high level of fraud in SS if only because of the screaming and gnashing of teeth at the mere mention of letting outsiders take a peek. Speaking of the CCP and outsiders 'taking a peek' you're talking to somebody who had all of his security background information scraped and stolen and sold to the CCP and dark web - and if isn't enough, Experian, Equafax, and Transunion "lost" HOW MUCH of our personal information a little while back?????? Propose a bet? riiiiiiight...... Science and Data.......
"DeepSeek to provide 'facts' about the T..." That will not work it has built-in inhibits on many topics including yours. That has been explored and publicly reported.