I know there is an emergency start procedure that I found on here several months ago...and need it again and can't seem to find it. It involved several steps that actually forced a start of my 2010 prius .... Thanks for your help
Perhaps you mean maintainence mode? Do a duckduckgo search for it and you’ll have several sites to choose from.
Your question makes me think your 2010 Prius is not starting. Is there anything you can share about why your 2010 Prius is not starting?
In your two previous threads that you created, it was suggested that you needed to read the trouble codes since you had warning lights on the dash. I guess you ignored that advice, and you continued to clear the trouble codes. So again, I will say that the first thing you need to do is purchase a good quality OBD2 tool and read the trouble codes. Read post #1 and then scroll down to post #37 in this thread, https://priuschat.com/index.php?posts/3246758 The Autel AP200 is an excellent choice. You can buy one on Amazon for about $60 + tax.
There was someone who drove the hv battery all the way to empty. All he did was fill gas up to 3 Gallons and the car started right up, I saw your reply to the post and laughed my nice person off.
??????? He was asking about an emergency start procedure. Nothing in that post suggested the hv battery was drained, or filling with gas. "I know there is an emergency start procedure that I found on here several months ago...and need it again and can't seem to find it. It involved several steps that actually forced a start of my 2010 prius ….” Never heard of an emergency start prodecdure, for any car. And since he has not replied again, we don’t know what he was actually wanting to do. So, how much is the price of rice in china?
Play on words. Emergency start steps. From the manual. Steps to take in an emergency Changing “POWER” switch modes and starting the hybrid system Step1. Apply the brakes and touch the Toyota emblem side of the electronic key to the “POWER” switch. An alarm will sound to indicate that the start function cannot detect the electronic key that is touched to the “POWER” switch if any of the doors is opened and closed while the key is touched to the switch. Step2. To change “POWER” switch modes: Within 10 seconds of the buzzer sounding, release the brake pedal and press the“POWER” switch. Modes can be changed each time the switch is pressed. (→P. 164) To start the hybrid system: Press the “POWER” switch within 10 seconds after the buzzer sounds, keeping the brake pedal depressed. In the event that the “POWER” switch still cannot be operated, contact your Toyota dealer. Stopping the hybrid system Push the “P” position switch and press the “POWER” switch as you normally do when stopping the hybrid system. Replacing the key battery As this procedure is the temporary measure, it is recommended that the electronic key battery be replaced immediately when the battery depletes.