Munich Agreement - Wikipedia Yes. I get the joke. The phrase is often used to illustrate the irony of history and the cynicism of politicians...but....REALLY!!! WHEN has there EVER been 'Peace In Our Time???' (or in ANY time?)
I always thought, and still think that Arthur Neville Chamberlain was treated a little shabbily by the historical record. He DID whiff the shot rather badly! People forget that Prime Minister Chamberlin was the leader of GB's CONSERVATIVE party, and they also forget that the nation was both emasculated and bled white by the Great War - a conflict that FEW in the 1930's were willing to rename. All of this eventually led to Great Britain being 'not so great' and finally relinquishing their status as a super power a little after local noon on 10 December, 1941. One of the REASONS that I often and loudly credit FDR with TWICE saving Western Civilization nearly single handedly (Sir Winston helped greatly!!) is that he understood both WHEN and HOW you punch a bully in the nose. The Ukies are not going to be admitted into NATO - NOR SHOULD THEY BE. EVER! If 'liberalism' is being generous with other people's money? Then Chicken Hawks are generous with other people's blood. There are, at present, 32 NATO members - which is probably five to ten more members than there SHOULD be, if anyone cares to remember how "The War to End All Wars" got started in the FIRST place........
In World War I, the British military was said to be "Donkeys leading lions." The new US Secretary of Defense is undoubtedly the new donkey.
Is it cute to call them Ukies? Ukraine is a sovereign nation who has to be in NATO given what Russia has attempted. What Russia has done is like what hitler did, even worse in ways. Lets not be on the side of a hitler/putin. Unite and push Russia back to it’s border.
Putin cannot evade the Grim Reaper. Russia will remain in a New Dark Age for at least the next 50 years. Slava Ukrani! China us waiting for Russia to weaken and fail to reclaim East Manchuria that was ceded to Russia in the mid 19th Century. Taiwan is secondary.
The Trump administration has laid off between 300 and 400 employees of the National Nuclear Security Administration. They make decisions with a big hangover.
meh. The NNSA has 2600 civil serpents and 65,000 contractors. Last I checked, the military has a fairly large role in securing US nucular weapons. Methinks this is just Trump releasing another cage of rabbits for our media watchdogs to chase after. Back in the day you used to be able to tell which US warships were nucular 'capable' because we used US Marines instead of squids or contractors to guard the pier - IN ADDITION to ship's company which even back then always carried Condition-1 weapons. The running joke was that the Army got German Shepherds and the USN got Marines because the Army is several months older - and so they got first pick.