SO...... I have a 'carboy' about half full of pennies on the desk that I am sitting in right now. If you're not cultured enough to know what a carboy is.....just look it up. THE QUESTION much is it actually Worth? Trump instructs Treasury to halt penny production | CNN Business Americans are a lot like my beloved USN. 248 years of PROUD tradition!!!! (AND....somewhat change averse!!!) I told a dear friend yesterday that "He THAT SHALL NOT be named" wants to stop producing pennies. They thought it was a horrible idea........because......... ???? Me? I think it's a no-brainer since a penny (value $0.01) costs $0.03 to produce!! AND......WHAT can you actually BUY for a penny???? SO. Some statistician out there that has more school learnin' than real-world smarts will probably opine that it will cost MORE to stop spending money making money (meaning pennies) at a loss because.............. (and they will say this with a STRIAGHT FACE!!!) 5-cent pieces cost MORE to make and there will be a higher demand for THOSE. SO.... Let the fun begin.....
We’ve lost our pennies, dollars, and two dollars, up here. The main cash I need now is a quarter and dollar coin (aka loonie) for a couple of grocery chain buggies. And a few more for buskers and the down-and-out, plus a few $5’s. I seriously thought from the title, this might be a thread for random thoughts, philosophy, what have you.
Beer and Hockey too. There ARE a few things that Canadians do better than we do down here. Who knows? If the government were a little less oppressive and the weather were better, you might be building your OWN wall!!
When I was a younger fella, I could go to my bank and get a bunch of paper wrappers. You could put 50 pennies into a paper wrapper and take it back to the bank and it was worth 50 cents. Later, they only wanted to accept them if my name and account number was on the paper wrapper—just in case on cracking it open later they found something other than 50 pennies inside. I had a Canon bj10e printer then, a very simple bubblejet with a perfectly straight paper path from bottom to top, so it had no difficulty printing on these wrappers (flat, before filling with coins), so that's how I got my name and account number on all those wrappers. There's no bringing in wrapped coins here anymore. My credit union has a machine with a hopper on it, and you can dump in a carboy of pennies and take the machine's word for how many they were, and get credit for that many, minus a service fee. So I think the answer to how much it's worth is ... less than that many cents. Unless you want to go through it looking for the particular pennies that people collect.
It's way overdue to get rid of pennies....just automatically round up or down....not hard. And why does EVERY business, these days, ask us to "round up the nearest dollar" to give to charities? No, Sprouts, just give me my zucchini!! My sister is a manager at a Lowes and told me she's actually had to teach kids right out of High School how to count change.....they don't know a dime is 10 pennies, a nickel is 5, etc. Really? What the heck are they learning in schools???
Talk to me about rounding when the gas stations have packed up the $3.07⁹ nonsense and just started saying $3.08.
Temporary dumpster fire. elected is looking old old old. he will run out of photo op ideas and get back in the golf cart. Ever seen him drive a car, any, not even a 67 Corvette like former President Biden has? There is a reason people can’t get drivers licenses in old age.
More corporate welfare at the expense of the poor with no credit cards or bank accounts. Cash purchases will be rounded up to the nearest 10 cents, if pennies or nickels are eliminated.
In Canada the penny is no more; an example of what happens if paying cash: $1.01 and $1.02 will round down to $1.00, $1.03 and #1.04 round up to $1.05. Payment with debit/credit cards stay with exact-to-the-penny amount. Google: how are prices rounded when paying cash in canada
That's Canada and being kind to the poor. Not likely here in the US with corporate greed, and especially with the current administration.
We turned our coffee cans of pennies & other change in to the bank, converted to higher denomination cash.
What about cheques (checks)? Here in the US almost everyone uses a credit card or debit card (card tied to your bank account) for food and most other non-trivial purchases.
My dad left me a LOT of pennies. Told me to go through them, some valuable ones. I did that one early Covid winter, along with the rest of the coin collection . The pennies are only worth pennies, but much more in copper if they ever let us melt them down
We once went for takeout, and Mrs b paid in cash. She was owed a couple cents change, and the cashier just walked away. Mrs b waited until they came back and asked where her change was. Oh, he said, our policy is to keep anything under a nickel. That did not fly