New to me 2017 v. I adjusted the maintenance settings after determining when the last oil change was. Set the next odometer amount accordingly. Have not had the car for a month and driven less than 1000 miles. Car started telling me Maintenance was due soon every time I started the car. I ignored it because "soon" is subjective and I knew it wasn't time for an oil change yet. Today it told me Maintenance was "Required" so I went to the setting for Maintenance and it still showed more than 2,000 miles before it needed an oil change. YES the dipstick shows fine. On the display the OIL icon that I had previously set was the only maintenance category in a different color (I assume meaning it had a value at all - I randomly checked a couple others which were empty). I opened the manual myself, and could not find any other reason for that message. My gen 2 Prius would just turn on the little "maint req" light and it always matched the settings. I know how to turn the message off, but want to make sure I'm not overlooking something else it is trying to tell me in a gen 3 v... is it just not in sync with the maintenance settings? Or could it need something else I am not aware of?
In my gen 3 liftback, there is a fixed, 5,000-mile maintenance reminder built into the combination meter and seen on the MID, and a more customizable reminder system with editable mileage and date intervals, implemented in the infotainment headunit and seen on the touch screen. These two different systems don't know about each other. I assume it may be the same in your v.
That would explain it because I rolled over a 5k odometer interval and the combination meter would know about that. But based on when oil was changed last, it won't need a change for 2k more - matching what I programmed. I wonder if I remove this reminder if it will actually ALSO remind me based on the programmed settings... I guess I will find out. Thank you, that is good to know.
If you're adept at turning it off, maybe just start a maintenance log, and ignore the dash reminder. For starters, Toyota's maintenance schedule is miles or months, whichever comes first, but AFAIK this gizmo is just counting miles, and hasn't a clue about what has or hasn't been done. Canadian spec Prius, at least third gen, don't have this, and we muddle through. Attached is a table summary of the Toyota USA 3rd gen schedule, editted a bit for brevity, but other'n that, nothing added/deleted. Since it wraps up at 120k miles, I also did an extrapolated version, to 240k.
Ok, I lied. I guess I don't know how to turn the light off. I've done it many times in my Gen2, And I had found the directions in my manual for this 2017 v Four car. Attached are my directions and images of my dash and controls. Directions just say to reset the light by multi-functoon display. Huh? Tried several options from searches here. Have not found the magic sequence yet.
Thank you! That is all it took. I finally figured out that I could select a "settings" icon on the dash display using steering wheel directional buttons above the Trip button; then choose " Maintenance system " And then answer "yes" to the question " Do you want to initialize?" That seems to have worked! Thanks again.
I was trying to remember from when I had my 2017 Prius Two, BTW, you should update your profile. It still shows the 2009 Prius.
I still own that too. 335k on it. Cannot decide if I should sell it or let one of my adult kids use it as he rebuilds his old bmw.