... whacked-out democrats, none too proud, their celluloid wet dream, their vision of a girl boss 007, parading herself in her Greta Thunberg Aston Martin toaster oven special, fading-fading-fading, dying before their very eyes: Aston Martin scales back electric-car plans ... snicker-snicker! Heh-heh! Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile ////////////////
“There’s no question that, at some point in the future, electrification will be a solution,” Hallmark said, but he sees less enthusiasm for it now.
Yep, used Bolts are affordable around town car. IMHO; I wouldn't by a new BEV because you would take too big a hit on resale value. Anyone thinking of doing door dash, should be looking into these. Just brakes, tires, and charging cost. Used Cars for Sale - Hertz Certified | Hertz Car Sales
I'm not a homophonesic, on the contrary, I look for them as much as sound like when spoken in tongues / other languages and / or accents. 2 examples from the early 1980s not having a clue how they got sewn together and still don't. X sperry rand X amway nation in my best american japanese accent. kon nichi wa To weird for public display, but there are two. Plus 131 other homo phonies for those that don't always take the path most traveled. 131 Homophones With Their Meanings & Examples