Driver on the right has windows open. Watch to the end for the surprise... I have seen a longer version....the roadway narrows and the left lane disappears. Driver on left needs to merge into remaining lane...maybe this is all explained. I am watching with no sound as the grandkids are napping.
Yeah, I edited my original, see above, but two lanes became one and the left lane driver tries to merge as the left lane peters out.
i find that to be one of the most aggravating moves, waiting until the lane runs out and trying to cut someone off because you don't want to get in line further back.
Well at the start of the video, that SUV was clearly behind the sedans driver's door - didn't even bother to use his excuse-me light (SUV). IMHO, the SUV should've merged in behind that car - rather than try to force his way in. @bisco stated, we didn't get the whole picture here. That SUV driver is definitely an a-hole with anger management issues. Probably made him late to his court ordered anger management meeting.
Personally, I would have let him in, not worth the risk of a bullfight on the highway. I did that on Friday. sort of the same, except the driver trying to squeeze in was coming from the right. Whatever happened to that cute graphic that shows cartoon cars all doing this sort of thing seamlessly?
i always leave enough room, and constantly get honked at by those behind me. but it is still aggravating to watch people do this instead of practicing a little courtesy
all good points, but not practically possible. they make a lot of assumptions there, but what usually happens around here is that the merged into lane is slogging along, and the merge lane is flying. people are passing hundreds of cars, sometimes for miles after the first warning, then cutting over at the last minute. secondly, no one leaves any space between themselves and the car in front of them anymore (if they ever did) it looks good in a graphic though. maybe when we have elong muks taxis
Yep, it's right up there with people who get upset if someone makes use of the empty space in front of their vehicle or people "cutting me off" in a crowded parking lot where everyone is driving super slow. Getting one car ahead or falling back one car behind is not something to get stressed about. It's a crowded world that we have to share! And with all the insecure dummies with no impulse control thinking they're "safer" carrying a gun, the last thing you want to do in this wacked out society is not give way and let others go before you. If you've tamed your ego enough its very easy and actually polite. You'll live a lot longer that way too.
When I lived in Detroit there was one particular freeway entrance, for whatever reason, where the drivers could never learn how to merge. I had about a 45 minute commute home from work and that was because about 15 minutes would be spent on that ramp, every time. Everybody coming down the ramp, knowing perfectly well that merging was necessary, would blow right past the point where the painted lines join and you merge—even when the on-freeway driver at that point was leaving them space on purpose to merge into—and try to get ahead of as many cars as possible to where the ramp actually ends and make everyone in both lanes come to a stop. Whatever thought-like process occurred in their brains must have been something like "I'm doing this to get where I'm going faster" and the entire reason everybody including them got where they were going 15 minutes extra late was because of them doing that. If you were pacing yourself down the ramp to merge into the spot the on-freeway driver was leaving for you, some other genius behind you on the ramp would blow around you on the shoulder to get to the end of the ramp and make sure everyone had to stop. One time when somebody blew around me to do that and the big-rig driver up ahead of us saw it in his mirror and pulled the rig square across the guy's path, people cheered.
Can't pass judgement from what is soon here, but it is a zipper merge. The sedan should have let the SUV in. If less people got over at the first warning, there wanted be an open lane for others to zip down.
The little graphic in that video shows a really unrealistically short merge lane, though, and sadly ends up making it look as if the proper merge point is all the way up to where no merge lane is left. That's the exact behavior that brings everyone to a grinding halt. There's a much earlier point where the painted line to the left of your merge lane joins with the line to the right of the travel lane, and where the nice person in the travel lane is probably leaving you a beautiful space to merge into. From that point you've got nearly the whole remaining ramp to complete the merge without slowing everybody down. Where the video shows actual "merge here" signs placed by WASHDOT, it doesn't look like those were placed at the last possible moment. It looks more like those were placed sensibly, but the animated graphic is just bad.